Grow Where You're Planted

Jul 21, 2006 17:26

Date: Friday, 21 July, 2000
Time: Noon
Place: St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Characters Involved: Seamus Finnigan, and Neville Longbottom, Private
Rating: G
Complete or Incomplete: Complete

Living is having ups and downs and sharing them with friends. - Trey Parker & Matt Stone )

status: complete, status: invitation only, location: st mungos, character: neville longbottom, character: seamus finnigan

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forevernev July 22 2006, 09:15:17 UTC
Neville finally emerged through the greenhouse door, his hair mussed more than usual and his usually khaki workrobes stained an odd shade of bright purple. He appeared slightly out of breath, though once he spotted Seamus, he greeted his friend with a wave and a faint grin. After exchanging words with the witch at the Apothecary counter, he beckoned Seamus over.

"Sorry about all this bother," he sighed, careful not to raise his voice loud enough for Wendoline to hear. She had basically spearheaded the changes in visitor policy, and it seemed to make even more sense after the werewolf attack. Not that Neville was a target. Not yet, at any rate. "Brilliant to see you anyway. We've had a busy morning. Um, suppose you can tell by the-uh..." He vaguely pointed at himself, and then tried to smooth out some of the deeper wrinkles creasing his robe. All the while he completely ignored the fact that he resembled a ripe blueberry, in color if not in shape ( ... )


safinnigan July 22 2006, 21:33:07 UTC
Seamus followed Neville off to the plant rooms at St. Mungo’s with no small trepidation. He’d liked Professor Sprout’s classes at Hogwarts well enough, but plants were no more his forte than potions. The earthy loam smell that greeted him as he entered the greenhouse made the déjà vu of the atmosphere complete. As he ducked to step under the ivy, he felt as if he were stepping back in time; back to a much simpler time when he and Nev were towermates and classmates, not veterans of a war that had not turned out quite as either one had imagined ( ... )


forevernev July 23 2006, 03:17:43 UTC
Neville eagerly eyed the bundle of old newspapers. "Oh! I'll have them." He slid his hands down the sides of his trousers to clear the worst of the dirt off, then held them out towards Seamus, ready to receive the stack. "We keep the lot in here," he explained, heading towards a tall wicker bin set at the end of a row of frilly flowering shrubs. The top of the bin flipped open, displaying a generous pile of old Daily Prophets within. "Best place for the Prophet," he added in a very low voice. "And we've a backroom for taking breaks and meals. We could head that way?" He pointed to a door at the far side of the greenhouse ( ... )


safinnigan July 25 2006, 19:04:54 UTC
Seamus gratefully gave the large stack of Prophet’s to Neville, glad to see them go in a place headed for the compost heap ( ... )


forevernev July 26 2006, 03:59:08 UTC
If Neville truly had his way, he would tackle the problem on his own. Perhaps Stun the plant and grab as much fruit as possible before the spell wore off. The Gryffindor in him refused to back down, but he also had to consider the fact that Jeremy had seniority, and therefore, was more entitled to the task.

"It'll have to be soon, though. There's only a slim amount of time when the juice is viable. I hope Monday won't be too late."

Neville watched as Seamus started to set their meals on the breakroom table, and his eyes widened considerably as Seamus kept removing things from his take away pack. "Merlin, it''s a feast!" he stammered, tugging a chair out and plunking himself into it. "You said lunch, I figured you'd meant a pair of sandwiches or something, but ( ... )


safinnigan July 26 2006, 20:58:58 UTC
Seamus just smiled back at his surprised friend. Then he reached out his Butterbeer to clink it against Neville’s in salute to their friendship ( ... )


forevernev July 26 2006, 21:59:45 UTC
It was difficult not to wince when Seamus mentioned dinner with the Minister, even when Neville was fully aware it was meant as a joke. Nothing concerning Shingleton felt funny any more, not with Death Eaters on the loose. The situation seemed worse than when Fudge had the position. At least Fudge was just ineffectual. Neville couldn't help but wonder if Shingleton had some hidden motives behind it all: the Registry, then the pardon of Lucius Malfoy, and the release of Bellatrix Lestrange. Or perhaps working within the Order had just made him paranoid ( ... )


safinnigan July 29 2006, 22:08:35 UTC
“Aye, mate, if it had been Ginny…..” Seamus shook his head sadly, that thought was beyond comprehension. He’d not known she was out of town studying until he'd seen the note from her brothers, but that made sense since he’d not seen her around The Leaky in quite a while. “Right, training elsewhere. Well then, let’s hope she’s being right proper careful then, Nev. Right, enough that her brother’s been bothered by the madman ( ... )


forevernev July 29 2006, 22:42:27 UTC
"Bill..." he answered in a whisper. Despite the pair being alone, it still felt odd to discuss these things. Some plants were highly sensitive to sound, and some, if prodded, would even parrot what they picked up. Not that there were any of those species in the greenhouse (and not that they'd overhear them behind the closed door), of course, but it didn't hurt to be too careful. It was true that Greyback had attacked Ginny's older brother (and quite savagely besides), but Neville loathed to think that there was a sort of pattern to the madness ( ... )


safinnigan July 30 2006, 00:56:22 UTC
Seamus nodded as Neville quietly said Bill Weasley’s name. What more was there to say? Greyback’s attack was vicious. There had to be some relationship if Bill’s cousin had been attacked and all of the victims had red hair. He shuddered to think about it. He was no expert on werewolves, but it was clear there had to be some danger to the Weasleys, some pattern by Greyback that made sense to him, if not to Seamus ( ... )


forevernev July 30 2006, 01:28:36 UTC
"It's almost as if the Ministry's given up on tracking the werewolf down, and they're just waiting for the inevitable, doesn't it? Posting those Aurors with the Weasleys instead of setting them to work finding Greyback." And Merlin help the ones who didn't have the public presence of the Weasley family ( ... )


safinnigan July 30 2006, 02:21:24 UTC
Seamus finished up his fish and sat back with his Butterbeer in hand. What Nev said made a great deal of sense. Too much sense, and it made Seamus wonder if the Ministry was even more incompetent than he feared. “Aye, Nev, you’ve the right of it there, mate!” He mused a bit. “Well then, if the Order of the Phoenix can’t find Greyback, I suppose there’s no reason to believe that the Ministry of Magic, that was of no use during a bloody fecking war, can be of any use now either.” It was so true it made him sick to his stomach to think about it. He knew there was no sure way to protect against a werewolf ( ... )


forevernev July 30 2006, 03:00:15 UTC
"Where'd Greyback be?" He'd started to peel the label off his Butterbeer bottle without noticing he was doing it. It had begun to shred on his fingernails, leaving behind tiny fragments of paper wet with condensation. He rubbed his fingers against the opposite sleeve, leaving behind odd white tracks caught on the fabric. "Well, for one thing, I wouldn't be the one who'd be out searching for him. Not alone, anyroad." He chuckled nervously, an oddly light sound amid the serious conversation. "If he can't be tracked down by Ministry folk, then there's only one thing that'd explain it. Someone in the Ministry's hiding him. Same as with Bellatrix, I think." He held back spouting off more by swallowing a good deal of Butterbeer. "Someone's responsible for Lucius Malfoy's pardon as well. I haven't read his book. Don't feel a need to, really. I know what he's capable of. I've seen it. No amount of excuses can forgive him for it, but he's done well anyway." Neville sighed resignedly. "It's a sodding joke of a world we're living in now ( ... )


safinnigan July 31 2006, 02:25:26 UTC
Seamus watched closely and listened intently as Neville spoke about Greyback. There it was. The boyo had a knack - and a good one! Seamus nodded his agreement at every turn of phrase from his insightful friend. The conclusions he was drawing rang true for Seamus, although he’d not considered it in quite that way before ( ... )


forevernev July 31 2006, 02:58:22 UTC
"Well, I didn't mean Tonks, and she seems to be worse off than the rest of us." He'd started to scrape the sides and bottom of his food container with the edge of his fork, gathering up the final bits of his lunch for a few more mouthfuls. "Can't control who she works for, can she? I figure she's still an Auror cos she does her job well, doesn't make her Department Head suspicious. Except we know who she'll always side with, right ( ... )


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