(no subject)

Jul 20, 2006 11:42

Date: July 19, 2000
Time: Early Evening
Location: Colin's Flat
Character(s) Involved: Padma Patil & Colin Creevey
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG

After having spent most of the day after she arrived home from the office strengthening the wards on her own apartment, Padma had packed up her charts and such for her own flat and set off to the address that had been provided to her by Colin. She hoped she wouldn't be arriving at a time that would be considered to late for her to be stopping by.

She reached the building in a matter of minutes after apparating to the closest muggle safe point and climbed the stairs to reach the proper apartment. Rapping on the door, Padma leaned slightly against the wall next to it as she waited.

character: colin creevey, status: complete, character: padma patil

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