Guess who just got back today....

Jun 02, 2006 09:40

Date: Friday, June 2, 2000
Time: Late morning
Character(s) Involved: Montague Morsus, Peregrin Derrick
Location: Arcadia Gallery
Rating: PG-13... just to be safe
Complete or Incomplete: Incomplete

It should have been easier than this.... )

status: complete, status: invitation only, character: perry derrick, location: arcadia art studio, character: montague morsus

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inner_human June 17 2006, 05:21:59 UTC
If anything, the silence was succeeding in annoying Perry. He'd expected more of a reaction from Montague--wanted it, really. The prat was probably doing it because he knew it would piss Perry off.

And then Montague was suddenly in front of him, right in his face, and Perry instantly flinched back a step, muscles tensing as if he was reacting to a potential assault. Definitely a move of the high-strung and paranoid. He realized a second later that Montague wasn't about to attack him, but the man was still there, right within his personal space, doing his best to stare Perry down despite their very close height.

Perry's teeth were clenched within his mouth as he stared back, still tense, listening closely to what Montague was saying. Those honeyed terms of endearment--and no one knew how to sweet-talk like Montague--that sounded as if they could be sincere, if Perry weren't so used to Montague's sarcastic tendencies.

Well, if that part wasn't in earnest, the next certainly was. And rather than being intimidated by this, Perry kept his posture straight, staring back with eyes that became increasingly hotter by subtle degrees. A very wild part of his being said that this was a challenge, and Perry was not one for being bullied. But rationality told him to calm down. This was neither the time nor the place... nor the person.

It was only because this was Montague Morsus, someone who Perry remembered fondly from his youth, that the arrogant prick wasn't already flat on his back.

He merely lifted an eyebrow imploringly. The glint in his eyes was still sharp and forbidding, but calling out a tease: Go ahead. Test me. "And just what are you expecting from me, Montague?" Perry said quietly. "Salazar knows I didn't come here for the purpose of 'disappointing' you."

Oh... this promised to be interesting.


morsus_et_mors June 17 2006, 05:44:08 UTC
"That's good," Montague almost whispered, voice low and intimate, as he kept his gaze on the other male's. It was exhilarating in some strange and intangible way - he could almost feel the tension in the air. Like in good ole times, but more intense, so much more intense and - dangerous. It was what propelled Montague forward in this boring life - the feeling of danger, mortal peril, the challenge, the smirks and the gleaming sharpness of eyes.

Something only his equals could give him.

"Very good, Perry," Montague continued staring at the other male, his gaze detached now, almost expectant of something coming their way. The wry grin that came a few seconds afterwards was a bit scary in its suddeness. And all was back to how it was before. As if there was not a moment of crossed spears, not a moment when the two of them were enemies - somehow, some way, some place in the future or the past, no one cared.

The testing was over and the results were still unclear - but the testing was over. Was it even a test, though? Or just Montague's boredom kicking in, his desire for spicing up everything that surrounded him? Because he couldn't-- he couldn't live without tension around him.

It substituted emotions that he lacked.

"Perry..." Montague made a step back, keeping his gaze locked with the others. "Perry," he continued on his backward motion. "Perry," Montague finished, three steps between the two of them. He smirked.

"Let's get going then - I've got something to show you," he said brightly, not a trace of coldness or sarcasm left. Eyebrows lifting in an almost childish fascination, he pointed toward the near end of the corridor. "And into my study," he said, resuming their walk.


inner_human June 18 2006, 03:00:29 UTC
He was so wired, so ready, waiting for the wrong thing to be said or done that would snap Perry's already weak control, that would allow him to unleash all the energy and rage building up inside him, even at the expense of his friend. And Montague's reply, so strangely quiet, sultry almost, even that caused the hairs on the back of his neck to rise.

But he did not react... not physically, anyway. Montague's reaction was not what he expected and it left him at a loss. He simply watched the man back away, listened to his cryptic approval and the repetition of his name. Montague was saying so much, and yet nothing. What the hell did this mean?

And, for whatever reason, the tense moment was over. Montague was satisfied--or appeared so, anyway. Enough to continue their tour.

Holy hell, he looked... like a boy, again. Like the old Montague. Perry just stared. What was he supposed to say to this?

Perry's eyes quizzed his, struggling to understand where they stood, now. For the moment, at least, it seemed the danger had passed... and there was no need for the aggression Perry now held in his chest. He released it. He wasn't here to quarrel... besides, now his interest was piqued.

"Lovely," he said, grinning only slightly as he followed Montague, falling into step beside him. He said nothing more for the time being, losing himself in his thoughts. He was actually very interested to see where Montague was leading them; to see what this thing was that had changed his expression so drastically from enemy to enthusiastic child.

So, the five years were truly longer than Perry had wanted to acknowledge. It seemed they would have to learn about each other all over again.


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