TM-Challenge: Control

Nov 08, 2005 10:57

Talk about a time when you lost control.
Locked to people who know Harmony is a vampire

This is kind of a tough one. Because, like, isn't being a vampire (soulless) supposed to mean that you don't have any control? Like all you can do is hunt and kill stuff, like whenever Angelus loses his soul and goes all postal-worker on the people who are supposed to be his friends.

So I guess I should be talking about the time I got sired as a vampire. But the thing is, it turns out that I am totally good at self-denial and self-discipline now. Way more than when I was a human or whatever. Like, maybe if I had enough self-control to study more when I was at SHS, instead of getting waitlisted at San Diego State, I might have gotten a scholarship to go study in France or something and then I would have left Sunnydale before graduation, and then I wouldn't even BE a vampire. (Unless I got turned into one in France!) (Which wouldn't be so bad because French vampires are way cooler! Like Armand in Interview! Or maybe he was Italian, like Antonio Banderas. Whatever, that's so not the point).

The thing is, sometimes I complain about getting killed on my graduation day and stuff. But most of the time I'm really happy with the very impactful effect that dying has had on my habits of discipline and self-control. I don't think the old Harmony could ever have grown up to be Gavin Park's personal assistant.

Does that answer the question?
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