Jul 06, 2007 00:46
I've realised that there are only three things I care about in the next Harry Potter book.
1. Who dies?
2. Is Draco okay?
3. What's the deal with Snape?
I'm not particularly fussed about OMGHORCRUXES or will Hermione and Ron finally get it together (answer: yes) or will Harry finally get anger management classes or whatever. In any case, I'm getting a Slytherin uniform cobbled together for the release party. I don't think I'm particularly Slytherin - I don't feel very cunning most of the time, and my ambition comes and goes depending on how I feel - but I like Draco and Pansy and Millicent. I feel kinda fond of Crabbe and Goyle sometimes too, but it depends on the fic.
I'm exhausted right now. Had the week off, and I feel Productive. Also I'm very sore from the gym. I HAVE NEVER DONE SO MANY LUNGES IN MY LIFE. If I can move at all tomorrow I'll be impressed. That kind of muscle-discomfort always makes me feel sort of proud, tho: it makes me think of being eleven and reading Tamora Pierce books and thinking Alanna was so cool. And she spent all this time working hard to be a knight and feeling stiff and sore but keeping on going even when she had her arm broken etc etc. She might have been a huge Mary Sue, but remembering that book makes me feel all fuzzy inside. I think that's when I began to value endurance so much...
Just watched the first three episodes of Rome (season one). I like it. I also now like Dead Like Me. Yay for liking things!
One third of my fund-raising total has now been deposited into my charity account! :D
plotting and planning