two bruises the size of eggs on my arms. and how?? uhh yeah

May 11, 2007 17:16

because i'm just talented like that. uhhh, yeah. i, oh-so-intelligently, locked myself out of my car yesterday afternoon at the gas station. luckily i had my passenger rear window rolled down a little over two inches which is just just enough space to squeeze my arm through if i work at it hard enough and really jam my arm through the open space, which i did, though i tried my left arm before i realized that i needed all the extra grip that my right hand provides me to pull up the lock. so now i've got two really awesomely disgusting bruises, one on the insides of each arm, and one on the outside of my right arm near my elbow. i mean seriously discolored. a really deep fushia-pink rimmed with blue on both. extremely colorful. and, unfortunately, pretty uncomfortable bordering on painful. ahh well, that'll show me for being the idiot i was and forgetting my keys when i got out of the car. anyway, yeah...

marvin was taken to best buy and will be out of my hands for at least or around two weeks. sadness. so i'll have to rely on the family desktop for internet use or whatever.

and just a heads up that around 7:30 tomorrow morning i'm hitting the road for jacksonville, florida for a few days to help my grandparents out with the food bank since minnie (my grandmother) can't lift anything or bend over for another week yet after her sinus surgery. so yeah. i may be able to get online to check emails and such on occasion, but no chatting and not for very long. i think i'll be driving back up here on monday sometime or tuesday at the latest. so yeah....

love love love love


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