I haven't updated this in ages, have I? Stuff I am doing now:
orawnzva and I are hosting
eredien while they figure out permanent housing in in Boston. Yay! It is an excellent roommate-situation all around, though I'm sure eredien would like to have a real bedroom instead of a futon eventually ;-)
* I have finally joined the 21st century and Bought a Smartphone. It's a Samsung Galaxy 4 and I'm reasonably happy with it so far, though South St. seems to be this weird little pocket of no Sprint coverage. Email me if you want my new phone number and I'll look up what it is again.
* With my shiny new smartphone I've been playing
Zombies, Run! and very slowly actually running some of the time.
It's an impressively well-designed game with a wonderful story. It desperately wants fanfic and filk and all sorts of more content beyond the 1-3 minute clips you get while running; they do a very good job of giving you these perfect little glimpses into what is clearly a much larger story. I just finished Season 1 and am now doing the 20k long mission in little chunks (you can stop missions and then pick up next time where you left off, which is very nice) since even just walking the 10k strained my hip and I want to find out what happens. I'll save the second 20k one for actually doing all at once sometime in the distant future.
They have a "Couch to 5K" program companion app that I'm working through, and I like that the frame story there is just that you're doing the exercise program to become a stronger runner so you can go out on supply missions and not get eaten by zombies. It doesn't try to come up with some contrived reason why you have to run for 30 seconds now and then do knee lifts.
This summer has been amazingly mild and balmy, so I've been running/walking/shambling along the paths by the river, which is just beautiful. Now it's getting nice and brisk, which is even better than warm and sunny, but we'll see if I keep it up once everything gets all freezing and slushy. I know there's a big running community in Boston, so there are people who can tell me how the heck you run when it's snowy out, but I suspect the answer involves being more coordinated and not falling over quite so often when you're just walking. Also very expensive pants.
* Yesterday I went to a tutor training to help a Waltham-area immigrant learn English through
WATCH. It's the sort of thing I've been meaning to look into for ages, and WATCH is a really neat organization.