
Apr 28, 2008 17:20

It's been ten days since I touched this thing. I know I had several new people friend me and should be doing an introduction post, but I've been in a mood too foul to do anything productive. I haven't been updating FRAGMENTS for over a week, and while the promised fic is moving, it's moving very slowly. Sometimes, I go online and just wonder if I ( Read more... )

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hanyou_yoake April 28 2008, 14:42:53 UTC
x.x; I've just been having a bitch of a time converting Sekai from Divergence into the application for the game.(She's most definitely a Rose Bride)

Mostly because I'm not sure how R:1 spells from the .hack games would transition over, same with the items. Also having trouble figuring out how to explain the large Celtic weave butterfly tattoo across the entire expanse of her back considering that's her tie to her AI lover. (Why yes I have a complicated and rather fucked up story revolving around that).

...um... if you like the play by posts... I could hook you up and pimp my R:1 .hack board? You're a great writer and would hit level 10 pretty quickly depending on the amount of effort, and I know the people in my clan always love questing with new people.

And the Eventide Crescendo is amazingly deep storyline wise. I actually prefer it over our Mainplot.


fidchell April 28 2008, 15:00:24 UTC
You could ask on our FAQ page! That's why it exists, after all ( ... )


hanyou_yoake April 28 2008, 15:06:47 UTC
http://z1.invisionfree.com/forums/DIVERGENCE/index.php?act=idx *shameless plug* We're the oldest on the net, we're in the process of celebrating our 5th year.

She is in Mainplot and thus by extension is comatose and will feel the spells, etc.

Healing spells, how would those work? *curious*

And alright, once I get my post up for the Eventide Crescendo field, I'll finish my application and hop on there.


fidchell April 28 2008, 15:03:10 UTC
Almost forgot! As an addendum to the situation with your character being transferred into Jardin.

Much like with Tsukasa's condition, if your character comes from The World, they will remain comatose in the real world of .hack universe. However, because Jardin is placed within a time distortion, the actual time of their coma in the real world will last mere hours. At worst, someone of their relatives might spaz out and send them to the hospital, only to have them wake up a short time later.


hanyou_yoake April 28 2008, 15:08:50 UTC
XD ahh, but she's been in the coma for quite a while not (a few months IC by now).

I know where she'd get split from her storyline/have some ideas on where I can take her from.


fidchell April 28 2008, 15:32:32 UTC
Answering to both comments here to not spread information all over the place!

If your character is already comatose, it's awesome. I'm just sharing information because it could end up meaningful in the long run. Jardin has enough background to it to allow for numerous story possibilities.

Healing spells operate by having magic mend broken bones and replace damaged tissue. It makes one feel somewhat elevated for the duration of the spell; that minimizes pain, but may make the early experiences seem eerie. Once the wound is healed, it won't leave a trace.

If your character's world has different explanations, feel free to use that. Also, healing magic won't remove old scars because technically, those are already healed.

For balance's sake, we can say that all characters are high-level and have a metric ton of HP, so spamming Repth won't be an option. I mean, there's really no fun in just healing every wound on the go and then recharging enough mana to do that again. :X


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