Oct 05, 2011 20:21

(still upset from yesterday, but trying to get past that)

THREESOME FIC IS FINISHED! (sorry, it's not the threesome indicated in my icon, but it seemed appropriate)

Good God, why was that so hard?! Seriously...I couldn't decide on a POV, so I decided to go with a short vignette from all three. But that didn't work, so I narrowed it down to two. Except then, I couldn't figure out an ending which didn't result in long, convoluted over-descriptive SEX (not that there's anything wrong with that...).

So today, after, like, three days of random scribblings at work and much crossing-out and notating and blahblahblahthreesomecakes, I finally managed to type out a draft that WORKS.

*happy dance*

Yeah, it's a silly thing to be excited about. I takes the happy moments where I can gets them.

fic, smut, fright night

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