Fright Night Master List

Oct 02, 2011 08:12

Yeah, I'm doing it: I'm going to go ahead and link all of my Fright Night anonymous kinkmeme fills (so far) in one place. If there were something like Teaspoon available for us meager few FN ficcers this wouldn't be necessary, but alas...

And anyway...I'm proud of these, dangit. I just remain anonymous on the meme 'cause it's more fun that way. :)

Oh, and also there's one fic that isn't from the kinkmeme, forgot all about that!

Most of these are pretty tame so far, with the exception of swearing and lots of referred-to sex. I've noted them as Adult if there is actual explicit sex within, but just assume that they're all at least Teen.

Absolutely Going to Look
Prompt: Peter/Amy/Charlie. Because survival's as good a reason as any. And he did say that if they were naked he'd look.

Before the End
Prompt: Peter and Charley are captured by vampires (not bit, just captured!) and put inside a cell like poor Doris's. Thankfully together. They're stripped of weapons, naturally, and really believe it's hopeless and the end is near. They'll be dead (or undead) soon. How do they spend their perceived last moments? Deep and meaningful conversation? Deep and meaningful sex? One, then the other? ;)
Bonus points: They cleverly make it out alive (and dust those vamps!).
Extra bonus points: They celebrate.

Prompt: Peter is practicing a new 'escape' bit for his show involving handcuffs. He asks Charley to help him out, and Charley says yes without asking what he needs. The next thing he knows he's handcuffed to Peter, and the key is missing.

Prompt: Peter's never told someone he's loved them before and meant it (at least, he hasn't romantically)

Prompt: Charley is curious about sex with guys. One guy in particular. But he's fairly naïve. So, perhaps after a few drinks, he works up the nerve to ask Peter about it, in general terms, trying not to give away his particular interest. Peter, with his vast knowledge and experience, is happy to educate him (and of course realizes exactly what Charley isn't saying, and maybe calls him on it).
Can lead to smutty good times if you like, obviously, (mmm... educational first time!) but I really want to see this conversation!

Florence Nightingale Syndrome
Prompt: Charley has to bathe Peter for some reason...he's injured or drunk or just manipulates the situation that way, who knows. Would love it if this leads to a first time handjob for Peter from Charley in the bath.
Note: This was actually my prompt. Don't judge me.

Prompt: There was obviously a lot of affection between Peter and Ginger. What was he like when he wasn't PMSing? Just want some fluff between them. Maybe doing mundane stuff. Smut not even necessary, but if you feel so inspired, go for it!

Hard To Get
Prompt: They seduce a slightly reluctant Peter (love to see a token protest, at least). Kinda want to see Amy taking lead.
She goes down on Peter while Charley watches. Anything else (yes please?), up to you.

Inspiration and Intervention
Peter/Tenth Doctor
Prompt (including the whole thing, because I'm so damn proud of myself that I managed to fill EVERY ONE of these requests!): The Doctor (Nine) or Rose happened upon an ad or something for Peter's show and absorbed it subconsciously, and thus during the regeneration, the Doctor unconsciously patterned his new appearance on that template. The Doctor is curious to meet his... inspiration. Smutty if you like (strongly encouraged!).
Love if you include lines like, "People who want to meet me either want help sorting out vampires or they want to fuck me. Which are you?"
Bonus points for the Doctor chiding Peter for his language. ;)
Extra bonus points for a brief explanation of why Ten didn't come into being with long hair and a goatee.

A Master in the Art of Instruction
Prompt: Charley really wants to go down on Peter, but has no idea what he's doing. Lucky for Charley, Peter knows all about said activity, is a great teacher, and talks him through it.
Prefer if this is the first time they've had any sexytimes.
Totally unnecessary bonus points: Charley wants to swallow, Peter thinks it's too "advanced."

Peter/Jane, Peter/Charley
Prompt: Jane is lonely, and even though she knows it's wrong to flirt with her son's new best friend (who might actually be Charley's secret sometimes boyfriend, your choice prospective writer), Peter is closer to her age anyway and very attractive. Of course, Peter goes along with it.

Peter/Charley (with a dash of Charley/Ed)
Prompt: I'd really like to see either Charley or Peter absentmindedly petting the other's hair, and the other getting aroused by it. Cue the boys having hair-pulling sex.

Prompt: Between school (university by now, maybe) and vampire hunting, and whatever else Charley has going on (get creative if you want, tell us what life's like for him now!), he has trouble keeping up with Peter's near-nocturnal schedule.
So one night, perhaps after one of his shows, Peter comes up to his apartment to find Charley passed out, accidentally napping. This awakens unexpected warm-fuzzy, protective feelings in Peter. And maybe awakens something else as well.

Prompt: It's been my personal head canon that Amy isn't jealous of Peter/Charley (in my personal head canon where Peter/Charley Totally Happens!). That she lets it happen or is involved or eventually she and Charley part amicably.
So... I want to see a fic where that ISN'T the case. I want to see Amy get fuming jealous, and, in typical irrational teenage fashion, SHE seduces Peter to see what all the fuss is about. What he can give Charley that she can't (apart from the obvious!), etc. Whether or not she's successful at this seduction is up to you, but I picture it being very clear to both of them what she's doing and why.
Cookies for including a rough-ish hand job while she's explaining herself.

The Sense to Hide
Peter/Rose, AU Pete's world fic
Summary: In the course of investigating a rash of mysterious deaths in Las Vegas, Nevada, Torchwood sends Rose to interview an "expert."

Prompt: Sex in the early morning sunlight on the floor in Peter's bedroom. Something simple, sleepy and sweet. Because they have enough crazy, adrenaline-pumping, shit going on and sometimes, you just need to sloooow down. Charley topping plz!

Swept Away
Prompt: Car sex. Would very much love if this could A. be during the day and B. be while it's raining out.
So maybe they're on a road trip and have been driving all night and just HAVE to stop to fuck to rest for a while. Or for whatever reason, they're caught in a desert rainstorm and it's unsafe to drive. I don't really care about the scenario. Just those two conditions and that they can't keep their hands off each other.

Prompt: Peter takes Charley to England with him, to...I dunno visit his parents' graves now that they've been avenged. Or just because. Doesn't matter. On the way, they join the mile high club.
Please not in the lavatory, like discreetly under a blanket or something (doesn't have to be full on sex, obviously, unless you can make that plausible!).

Various drabbles (so far, my contributions are Magic, Rise and Shine, Friends, Dirty Talk, Love Bites, Pain, Happy Birthday, Tomorrow, At the Movies and Sometimes)
Prompt: The kinkmeme is all about shortfic, right? Let's go shorter! Give me some sexy bunches of a 100 words. The smuttier, the better! Or silly or cute, or whatever. Just some Peter/Charley goodness in tiny packages.

fic, you're so cool brewster, i'm gonna pop your cherry, master fic list, fright night

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