It's a good thing I have no shame

Oct 01, 2011 07:31

Yesterday was quarter end at my work. so I worked from 7 am to 11 pm. Blargh. But I had the following hilarious exchange with a coworker, whom I brought my jump drive in for so he could snag Hugo's album off of it:

Me: "Just...don't judge me for anything else you might see on there." (thinking specifically of all the David Tennant photos and various downloads of questionable legality)

Coworker: "There's not, like, anything not safe for work, is there?"

Me: "Oh no! Just...geeky stuff."

Coworker: *laughing* "What, like, Doctor Who fanfiction?"

Me: *thinking hard* "No, there...shouldn't be any of that on there. If you find any, DON'T READ IT."

Coworker: O_O

He brought it back over to my desk a bit later.

Coworker: "I did see a picture on there labelled "Sexytiem", but I didn't look at it."

Me: *laughing and blushing* "That's just a David Tennant picture! It was called that when I downloaded it from (consciously not saying 'LiveJournal') wherever."

Later, he found out the albums didn't load on his computer properly, and asked if he could borrow the drive again.

Coworker: "Thanks again! I also took the Ting Tings, La Roux, the Wombats and the Cars' new album."

Me: "No worries! And you also grabbed the "Sexytiem" picture, right? I know you."

Coworker: "Well I looked at it. He did look pretty sexy, I ain't gonna lie."

So yeah, that's two coworkers I've outed myself to about actually writing fanfiction. Luckily, they're both also friends, and big geeks, and I don't believe they're interested enough to actually go looking for anything I've written. If they DO go looking, well then, they deserve exactly what they find. ;)

stuff, doctor fic

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