Purely hypothetical, of course...

Sep 28, 2011 19:59

...so, say that you lurk on this anonymous kinkmeme. ;)

And, say that posted a REALLY DAMN GOOD PROMPT. And someone already filled it, and you, as the OP, replied and thanked them. But you still want more, and so you have WRITTEN A FILL FOR YOUR OWN PROMPT.

When you finally get around to posting it, do you comment to your own anonymous fill?!

I mean, you've already replied to one fill, so not replying to another sort-of outs yourself as both the OP and the filler. But replying to it just seems to be taking the whole thing to ridiculous levels of duplicity. "Oh, that was wonderful self anon!" "Why thank you self OP, I'm so glad you liked it!"


Related: I have got to stop writing Fright Night porn at work. Every time someone comes up behind me and surprises me and asks if I'm busy/what I'm working on, I always imagine Charley saying "Porn", which makes me giggle. Then I want the other person to reply "Oh good, I thought it might be something creepy."

i'm gonna pop your cherry, fid_gin's moments of duh, smut, fright night

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