Here I go, being intolerable

Sep 11, 2010 09:51

Trying to keep up that motivation, because things are going excruciatingly slow on the weight loss front and I'm trying very hard not to get discouraged. :P

Weeks on diet: 44
Pounds lost: 56
Sizes lost: 4
Pounds to go to goal weight: 8 (which, at the rate I'm going, will take till bloody Halloween, probably)

And, some pictures. (I actually did find a before picture of sorts, on my phone. Lord, I can't believe I'm posting this.)

So this was actually taken by me, on my phone, shortly after I'd started my diet. Near Christmas, when I wanted to send Mr. gin a picture of the Labyrinth t-shirt I'd just bought. Not the most flattering picture ever taken of me. :(

And, taken a few minutes ago:

The guns!

Again, I apologize if I'm being obnoxious. I really appreciate all the support you all have given me, and it does help me to keep my motivation up by talking about the progress I've made, 'cause I got quite depressed first thing this morning when I stepped on the scale to discover after a week of following my diet to a T, avoiding beer and not missing a single day at the gym, once again I'd only lost one flipping pound.

weight loss

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