Oooh, I haz been tagged!
ladychi tagged me with the following:
Sometimes it's okay to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
Top 5 favourite, huh? Well, I just counted all the fic I've written so far, both in Who and PotC, and it's 93, so I need to narrow it down somehow. We'll say favourite out of all Who, all Tenth Doctor (in some form), and favourite for no other reason other than I'm proud of them and think they rock (ie: not because they make me nostalgic or something).
Oh, and they can't be ones I did
the last time I did this meme back in November, which means excluded are:
One MonthSo In Your Dreams, Whatever They BePatternsLovedand
Good Fortune 1.
First and LastTenth Doctor/Rose, alt!Tenth Doctor/Rose - written October 2008
He says it's the last time, and he's totally lying.
I wrote this while I was deathly ill with a cold, which means my memories of writing it are vague at best. The sexual imagery that floated in and out for me in my fevered state in just little snatches of images is captured really well I think...diamond patterns on the Doctor's knees, Rose smelling like strawberries. I'm glad I wrote it all down as it came to me, because to this day the fic holds this kind of dreamlike quality for me...I never quite remember what I wrote, and each time I read it is like "Whoah. That's pretty good!"
As I so often discover, I did something quite clever with this fic which was completely unintentional until I'd written it all up to the end and looked back over it, which was bringing the fic back around in a lovely complete little circle when it was intended originally to just be a bunch of little vignettes about these two fucking. The Doctor's angsting about it always being the last time, then Rose is angsting about it being the last time, then alt!Ten is joyful about it being their first time. It just reads so well, I'm terribly proud of it. And it was the first fic I ever won a CoT award for (well, a runner-up anyway)!
Bilingualalt!Tenth Doctor/Rose - written January 2009
After finishing
Just Another Doctor, I had convinced myself that I needed to take a break from fic for awhile. Being the Queen of the One-Shots, writing a multi-chaptered fic was hugely exhausting for me, and I was just kind of sick of the thought of all the characters by the end of it. So I made a big show out of telling everyone I was taking a break, and I fully intended to. I couldn't stop myself from writing a porny little Loved 'verse scene and sharing it with
unfolded73 (and actually, that one's never been released yet!), but other than that, I was absolutely taking a break. Then I woke up in the middle of the night, idly thinking to myself "Huh...what if Rose asked alt!Ten to teach her Gallifreyan? And then what if she somehow found out, by learning it, things that the Doctor had said to her while they were travelling together?" And the next thing I knew I'd gotten up and written this all in one shot.
I love some of the random phrases and imagery that popped out in this one, it having been written in the wee small hours of the morning. Lines like Not very aerodynamic, knickers. and ...the nudge of her body up the bed as it converts the motion of his against it... and The fingernails of her other hand leave five perfect red lines across his lower back - if you could play those grooves, like a record, what tune would that be? I just freakin' love it when I can write like this...but when I try, I fail. Sometimes, it just happens, and this was one of those times.
Inkedalt!Tenth Doctor/Tenth Doctor/Rose - written November 2008
For some daft reason, I didn't keep track of the actual post what inspired this, but it was over at
unfolded73's LJ, during a dicussion about how to tell the Doctors apart when writing a sex scene with both of them, and
kalleah piped in with a comment that maybe alt!Ten had a tattoo. Unfolded pretty much ordered me to write this at that point, and I loved every minute of it. I have a huge kink for tattoos, I won't deny it...I love getting them, I love watching them done, I love looking at the finished work. But getting them in particular is strangely erotic. It hurts...but in that Nice way that makes you feel a little drunk and unsteady. The first time I got a tattoo, I immediately hopped into my car to drive home and turned down a one-way street going the wrong way in my delerium and nearly caused several accidents. Anyway, I love this eroticism of Ten being the one to tattoo alt!Ten, seems more intimate than all the many other sex acts we've seen them engage in together. The level of trust that alt!Ten has in his former self, the dominance that Ten exerts over him - first telling him he's not allowed to get a tattoo, then telling him that if he's getting one, it's going to be from him or from no one at all. And of course, Rose watching through the whole thing, unbelievably turned on but sort-of wondering what that says about her. I think I wrote this thing in, like, 1/2 an hour; it really just came together. Even cot-tossed liked it!
Here's the conversation at Unfolded's LJ!
Singing in the ShowerTenth Doctor/Rose - written November 2007
Awww, my ickle wittle reunion fic. The only second-person POV I've ever written. I adore this fic, and I was always a bit taken aback that it didn't get more love, but oh well...I still love it. I like the ritual of Rose's shower, and the way she sort of curiously studies herself in the mirror like she doesn't recognize herself. I like the little glimpses into her life in Pete's world - how she hasn't given up hope, but yet she totally has. And I love the return of the explanations, no drama, he just materializes into her living room and busts into her damn shower, coat and Chucks and all and throws his arms around her even though she's soaking wet and buck naked and has shampoo in her hair and everything. And I love the last line so goddamn is my theory that all new Doctor Who can be twisted to reference the Smiths, and vice versa, and The Queen is Dead in particular. I do wish I'd worked the lyric "Has the world changed or have I changed?" into this one, but what can you do.
5. A tie between two recent ones:
Out of Touch (aka Don't Shag or Die), and
Sex DriveTenth Doctor/Rose ; alt!Tenth Doctor/Rose - written in May and April 2009, respectively
Sorry, couldn't choose between these two recent ventures. I've been very pleased, of late, that I've managed to branch out from the Loved 'verse. I love my little 'verse, don't get me wrong, but I was starting to feel a bit...pigeonholed. So it's been with great glee that I've found myself writing both alt!Ten and original!Ten lately, and discovering that I can still manage to make them work apart from each other...something else I'd started to worry about. I remember mailing Unfolded while we were writing
Lust and Monsters, and I was like "I don't remember how to write sex between just two people anymore!"
Anyway, these are both recent enough I won't rehash the circumstances under which they were written, I'll just say that I'm very, very pleased with how they came out and the reception to both of them.
So! I suppose I should tag some folks, eh? Alrighty, I tag
kalleah and