SPN FIC - Legend (Part Four: Missouri and Pamela)

Aug 17, 2011 16:03

I'd heard whispered bits of the story since I was a kid.  Just after Halloween, back in '83, the demon Azazel had crept into the nursery of a baby boy, intending to drip blood into the child's mouth and turn him into demon spawn.  But Mary Campbell was waiting for him.  She had a gun a stranger had brought to her family ten years before: a gun that ( Read more... )

pamela, missouri, legend, au

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Comments 22

roseficke August 17 2011, 20:49:11 UTC
Okay, I'm confused. I thought Mary killed Azazel and left.(In this legend version)


ficwriter1966 August 17 2011, 20:53:27 UTC
She did. Did I imply otherwise?


roseficke August 17 2011, 23:00:57 UTC
So, what does this sentence mean?

...John Winchester as a man abandoned, confused, the sole witness to his wife's murder by gunshot of a stranger in a long, dark coat...

I don't mean to be obtuse, I'm just trying to figure this out. I'm finding this series quite intriguing. :)


ficwriter1966 August 18 2011, 00:07:36 UTC
The stranger in the long dark coat is Azazel. Sorry to have confused you! I forget sometimes that while it all makes sense in my head, it might not necessarily make sense on the page... \O/


Legend - Four: Missouri and Pamela catsintheattic August 17 2011, 20:50:52 UTC
I really enjoyed their conversation - in the beginning, it was a bit like two animals sizing each other up before a fight. There was this touch of tension in the air, first and subtle between Missouri and Pamela, and then a lot more when they bonded in preparation for the upcoming events. And the Campbells are ghosts, how awesome is that?!

I can't wait to know what's going to happen next. :-)

And thank you so much for the lovely sunflower; that was such a sweet gift. Sunflowers are my favourites. ♥


Re: Legend - Four: Missouri and Pamela ficwriter1966 August 17 2011, 20:57:21 UTC
I thought this would be a really interesting dynamic - the older, somewhat more ladylike (but sassy) caretaker of the Campbell house, and this brash, in-your-face, Ramones-loving "upstart." It'll be fun to see what happens between these two!

You're very welcome for the flower! Just a small thank you for your cheerleading. :)


irismay42 August 17 2011, 22:18:13 UTC
Oh my god - Missouri and Pam together!! I think my head is going to explode with squee overload!! And the Winchesters on the way!!!! Its every episode of Supernatural I've ever fantasised about that I knew could never happen rolled into one!!

Wow, this is so ominous. Love the idea that the Winchesters were living in the same house where Azazel had killed Samuel and Deanna when he came for Sam. And Deanna having some kind of ethereal connection to Sam. Kinda creepy that Sam's nursery might also have been Mary's. *shudders*

And I'm intrigued by the stranger in the long dark coat...

Really can't wait to see where you take this next chapter!


ficwriter1966 August 18 2011, 00:13:40 UTC
I was going to head right into John and the boys connecting with Pamela, then I thought, "Wait a minute..." This AU just gets my head going crazy with possibilities! I can bring back all the characters we liked! I can tweak things all over the place. *gets out hammer and duct tape*

As someone who's living in a house that was home to three previous generations of my family, I liked the idea that Mary would keep her parents' house. She and John needed a place to live, I assume it was well-equipped with weapons and wards and sigils and such. Yes, it would be tough for her to deal with her parents dying there, but it may have made her doubly determined to avenge their deaths.

Tomorrow we definitely bring the Winchesters into the mix!


vikingprincess August 17 2011, 23:28:27 UTC
This installment is both creepy and wonderful.


ficwriter1966 August 18 2011, 00:14:24 UTC
Thank you! It's a blast to write, for sure. :)


phebemarie August 18 2011, 00:08:09 UTC
I'm really enjoying the interesting way you're weaving the story and the characters together. You still have me in complete suspense, anxious to read the next update.

Thank you for sharing.


ficwriter1966 August 18 2011, 00:15:40 UTC
I'm looking at it like a jigsaw puzzle. If you look at one puzzle piece by itself, it might be pretty, and interesting, but you can't quite see the *whole* picture. I imagine this sort of storytelling will drive some readers away, but I'm having a blast with it, and I'm delighted that you're enjoying it!


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