Therapy: Week 2

Feb 01, 2012 04:10

Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Kink: None
Summary: Sherlock and John head for couples counseling
Warning: None

John was smiling when he came in. Not a big grin, but a small 'I-know-something' smile. Lily was happy to see it, although, she had the sneaking suspicion that Sherlock had done something immensely idiotic to put it there.

"So, how was your week?" Lily greeted as both men sat down on the couch. There was a slight space between Sherlock and John but John's hand was resting on top of Sherlock's hand. Progress, Lily supposed.

"Oh. It was fine. Fine." John said, trying to hide his smile. Sherlock had the grace to look slightly ashamed. Lily crossed her arms.

"Out with it." She said impatiently.

"Remember what you told him to do? Tell me everything he was thinking and he was going to do? And no using sex as a distraction?" John began. If he weren't so tanned, Lily would have seen him blush. She nodded slowly.

"Oh. He took it quite literally." Lily said in realisation.

"He kinda got into the habit and uh... let slip in front of the whole NSY that he uh... was... uh shag me senseless after this session." John coughed into the hand that wasn't laid over Sherlock's limb. Lily couldn't decide if that was cute, vulgar or disgustingly sweet.

"I commend you for your effort." Lily said to Sherlock. The man put on a sulking face but Lily thought he was actually a little pleased at having made John smile.

"So, John. How do you feel about that?" Lily directed the question to the doctor, ignoring Sherlock for the time-being.

"Pleased. Quite so." John squeezed the hand under his and patted it gently. He did look happier, a little less sad than before.

"And why is that?" Lily pressed.

"Sherlock, is quite preoccupied with keeping me safe. He was adamant about keeping me a secret." John began. Lily could see the sadness coming back.

"Not a secret! Just safe! I told you I had archenemies and these people, they will stop at nothing to get leverage over me." Sherlock interrupted.

"Well that worked out bloody well don't you think? Might as well stop being my friend too." John took his hand away and scowled.

"... that would work."

"Sherlock." Lily interjected before Sherlock could say anything else. Both men scowled.

"Sherlock. Let's review the facts: One, no one knew that you were with John. Two, everyone knows John is your friend. Three, John was in danger just by being your friend." Lily said softly. A genius like Sherlock had to have known this already. A look of pain and worry crossed Sherlock's face. He glanced over at John.

"Sherlock, John is going to be in danger no matter what you do, if you have enemies. You know this." Lily said gently. "It's not about the danger, is it?" She asked. It had to run deeper than that.

"I've never had a... best friend." Sherlock admitted quietly after a bit of silence. John raised an eyebrow.

"What about this 'Victor Trevor' person?" He asked. Sherlock tensed but said nothing. Lily looked at him for a long moment.

"He left you, didn't he?" She asked. There was silence as everyone waited for Sherlock's answer.

"Said he'd write. Never did. Said he'd call. Never did. He got married and never even told me. When he was hospitalized for appendicitis I didn't even hear about it until after. He never told his family about me." Sherlock muttered at long last. John swore and went to hug his lover and best friend. Sherlock raised his arms and hesitantly returned the embrace.

Lily averted her gaze and waited until they broke apart. They had gone back to sitting very close to each other.

"Sherlock, for one week, you told John every single little thing, didn't you? How did that make you feel?"

"It was tedious." Sherlock said. "Having to announce every little feeling, that I was going to shower, that I was going to the crime scene. It's all so painfully obvoius." He looked over at John.

"But it was rewarding, in a way. John, I really don't know why you like knowing what I'm thinking even when I'm just thinking that your tea is perfect." Sherlock hesitated then added a more quiet "You're perfect, John."

John looked very, very pleased at that. He hid a smile and muttered a soft 'Thank you'.

"People like hearing affirmations of affection and devotion." Lily said softly. "It doesn't matter if you think it's obvious. Sometimes, people just want to hear it out loud."

Sherlock nodded slowly at this, still looking at John.

Lily let them have a brief moment before disturbing the silence.

"Alright, boys." She cleared her throat softly. "John, this week, I want you to go out everyday for at least and hour and not tell Sherlock where you are."

Sherlock looked ready to drag John out of there and never come back at this suggestion and Lily thought he might have if John hadn't gripped his arm tightly. Tough for him, this little exercise was a lesson in trust, trust that John would always come back.

"Sherlock, you are not to deduce him, follow him or attempt to stop him. Instead, you'll go and talk to someone you care about. Even if it's just a little bit. Next week, I want you to tell me who you talked to and what you talked about, okay?"

There was a subdued and sulky 'fine' from Sherlock. John patted his hand and murmured something that sounded like 'relax, it's going to be fine'. There was a brief silence, then John leaned over and pressed a kiss to Sherlock's temple.

"Thank you, Lily." He said as he helped Sherlock to his feet. Sherlock muttered 'How is that going to help?' under his breath but nodded at Lily and let John lead the way out of the room.

Lily heard John talk to Tara and set up an appointment.

She also heard a very heartfelt declaration of 'John, your arse looks marvelous in these jeans.'

Week 1

therapy, john, sherlock, sherlock/john, fanfiction

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