Title: (You Look Like) A Perfect Fit
Pairing: Kalinda/Alicia
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Through 3x11
Disclaimer: Not mine! These belong to the Kings, CBS et al. No profit. No harm, no foul (it's a basketball term, Your Honor)
Prompt: For
sweetjamielee's prompt birthday
Dedication: Belated birthday wishes first of all, Jamie! I hope you've had lovely holidays,
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Somewhere in between being grateful and the disaster of her personal life, Alicia feels the forgiveness start to take root inside her.
This is so freaking perfect, how they become friends again gradually instead of as a Very Big Thing.
I really love how Kalinda just says "sure" when Alicia takes the first step. It's so...Kalinda not to make a big deal out of it, and I think it really will need to be Alicia who initiates.
“Then I won’t promise,” Kalinda says, staring her down. “But I can tell you that I’ll try.”
And that, Alicia knows, is not a gift that Kalinda offers lightly.
Beautiful. Love it.
I nearly fell off my chair from squeeing so hard when Alicia made Peter look up Kalinda's birthday. Kalinda's "WTF is this?!" reaction to Alicia's birthday present was awesome and hilarious.
But hands down, this is my favorite bit:
And somehow in that moment, as Kalinda rolls her eyes at her frustrating lack of words, Alicia finally sees it. She understands Cary’s hangdog expression, Will’s easy smiles and--maybe--Peter’s additional fall from grace. Kalinda is beautiful, and not just in a ‘I wish my eyeliner would do that’ kind of way.
Oh, Kalinda. You just can't help pwning everyone.
I hope very much that canon goes a lot like this fic.
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