Had a random dream the other night about ABCF's new series, Twisted. It was from the Point of View of a random high school girl from the same school as the main characters who finds herself sketching Danny's eyes in art class one day.
So she goes and asks him if it would be okay if he were the model for her next project. He says it's fine, they have a bit of an amusing conversation that I don't remember the details of, and then she proceeds to get a reference video with her phone (basically circling him while he's in two different poses) right there in the main entry way to the school.
Anyway, the point of this post is that I really wish I could draw (more than stick figures) because the piece turned out beautifully! It had a semi-fantasy background landscape with two angelic Dannys. One was a light angel (at least by the wings) standing over a fallen dark angel with his sword pointed at him, very stern in his body language, yet there's something regretful about what he 'has to do' in his expression. The other, the dark angel Danny, was half sitting up on the ground with a jump rope tangled in the hand supporting him on the ground while the other hand is raised as if to ward off a blow from the sword. He's frightened and very vulnerable seeming.
Obvious meaning in pic is obvious, but still interesting, in that consciously I'm not quite sure what to make of Danny, since the show likes to keep you guessing, but my subconscious at least thinks that Danny is at fault for the past crime but not the current, and is going to work toward a redemption.