Novel-Length Fic: A Year of Worry and Hope

Dec 20, 2013 17:28

Title: A Year of Worry and Hope
Word Count: ~73,000 + and counting; 9700 for chapter eleven
Rating: PG-13 (I *think* it stays PG-13 all the way through the story.)
Summary: Essentially, the events of "Deathly Hallows" from Percy Weasley's and Audrey Mitchell's points of view, including frequent cameos by Fred and George Weasley, and the Longbottoms, as well as other canon characters.

Chapter 1: When Percy Met Audrey
Chapter 2: Going Out
Chapter 3: Weasley Wizard Wheezes
Chapter 3.5: Seeing Is Believing
Chapter 4: Muggle Weekend
Chapter 5: Loneliness Revisited
Chapter 6: Unusual Correspondence
Chapter 7: A Surprising Start to September
Chapter 8: More Surprises
Chapter 9: The Long Haul
Chapter 10: New Experiences

Chapter 11:

Chapter 11: Holidays

Percy looked at Neville hopefully, but Neville was still staring at him as if he were mental.

"Percy. Have you gone completely barmy?"

"What?! No!"

"There is no way any girl at Hogwarts is going to wear one of those." Neville gestured to the variety of hair . . . things on Percy's table.

"Well, why not?"

"Well, that one, for instance, is pink with little hippogriffs marching across it."

"But what about this one? I was thinking of this one for Ginny."

"Percy. There are bows on it."

"But they're black bows."

"Have you ever seen your sister wear a bow of any color?"

Before Percy could answer, Aunt Gussie's vulture Patronus appeared in front of them and said, "Potterwatch!"

Percy and Neville immediately Apparated.

They arrived in Aunt Gussie's sitting room to hear Lee Jordan's voice coming from the wireless.

" . . . with another edition of Potterwatch. First of all, I want to wish all of our Listeners a very happy Christmas. At least as happy as it can be with The Dark Nutter still running around.

Secondly, I need to give you a very important piece of information. DO. NOT. USE. YOU-KNOW-WHO'S. NAME. I know Dumbledore always told us fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself, but the name has been made TABOO. Potterwatch correspondent Royal barely evaded capture by Death Eaters yesterday when he dared to utter the V-word. Using the V-word, you know the one-it sounds like Moldy-shorts- apparently breaks all protective charms surrounding the speaker's location. Once again, no using the name, Listeners. Call him The Dark Nutter, The Chief Death Eater, Potter's Nemesis, or even the mundane You-Know-Who. I don't care what you call him, but don't use his name, or Death Eaters will be on your doorstep faster than you can say Quidditch. And now in addition to Death Eaters, there are bands of 'Snatchers' running around. They want to catch Muggle-borns to turn them into the Ministry for money, but they really aren't too fussed by who gets hurt in the process. You don't want Snatchers or Death Eaters at your door, so don't use Moldy-shorts' name and stay safe.

Finally, Listeners, we have a couple of people here with us for a new feature ‘Pals of Potter’. First we will hear from Correspondent Random."

Percy didn't recognize the woman's voice as she began speaking.

"Harry, I just want to tell you that Dumbledore had faith in you and so do I. I know you are out there fighting Lord Tosser and not hiding like the Death Eaters want people to think. Like Harry Potter would ever hide! Merlin's Bollocks! Go get him, Harry! You can do it!"

"Thank you, Random, for those encouraging words. Next, here's Rascal."

"Harry, mate, Give old U-No-Poo hell! I know you will, too. After all, you have been tutored in mischief by the best mischief makers of all time, and mischief runs in your blood. Happy Christmas, Harry, wherever you are."

Percy felt his chest constrict at hearing George's laughing voice. The only other time he'd heard George speak in two and a half years, he was yelling at him.

"Well, Listeners, that's it for now. Just remember-no using the Taboo V-word. Whatever you do, do not say You-Know-Who's name! Royal managed to escape and is on the run, but we do not want any more near misses, and we certainly do not want any more captures. Happy Christmas from those of us at Potterwatch, and we will see you in the new year. Keep the Faith and Goodnight."

The wireless went quiet again. Percy turned to Aunt Gussie and asked, "Who was the first new person?" Neville looked up in interest as well.

"That was Nymphadora Tonks, I mean, Nymphadora Lupin. She married Remus Lupin this past year. She was the best young Auror I have seen in ages. Extremely capable. Of course, she and her new husband are in hiding now, since the current Ministry does not approve of the marriage."

Neville and Percy both nodded. Percy wondered if any Ministry would ever approve of the marriage, but he had liked Professor Lupin and wanted him to be happy. Percy had a sudden thought.

"Aunt Gussie, how did you know the password? Lee didn't give one last time, or this time either, for that matter."

The password for tonight was "Luna Lovegood". Fairly easy to guess. The next one will be either "1998" or "Kingsley Shacklebolt". I would think Mr Jordan would not want to make things too obvious in case any Death Eaters happened to be listening."

Percy nodded. That actually made a lot of sense.

"Well, boys, I am going to retire for the evening. You two may return to . . . whatever you were doing."

Aunt Gussie looked strangely at Percy, and he blushed as he realized he was still holding the black hair thing with bows. Neville snorted, as Percy hastily shoved the hair whatsit into his pocket. He and Neville said their goodnights to Aunt Gussie, and Apparated back to Percy's flat.

As soon as they arrived, Percy exclaimed, "Neville! I have an idea! Try to disarm me."

Neville looked at Percy curiously, shrugged, pointed his wand at Percy, and said, "Expelliarmus!" Nothing happened.

"Yes!" Percy shouted.


"I had the hair thing in my pocket, so apparently you don't have to actually wear it properly for the shield charm to be effective. So you can give these to anyone without worrying about what they look like."

"Take the thing out of your pocket for a minute. I want to make sure I didn't mess up the spell."

Percy did as he was asked. Neville again pointed his wand at Percy and said, "Expelliarmus!!" Percy's wand flew to Neville, and he caught it easily. "Wow! It really does work!"

Percy grinned as he collected all the hair things and put them in the WWW bag and handed them to Neville. Neville said, "For a joke, I think I'll give Seamus the pink one with little hippogriffs." Percy and Neville both laughed.

"So why don't we open one of the bottles of whisky Aunt Gussie gave me for Christmas?"

"Good plan. I could use a drink."

They walked over to Percy's sofa and he began to pour drinks. "Hard to see your parents today?"

"It's always hard to see my parents. I know they won't ever get better, but every time I go visit, I still hope it will be different. Then it isn't." Neville downed his shot in one, and Percy poured him another.

Percy drank his shot, too, and said, "You're a better man than I am, Neville. You faithfully visit your hospitalized parents, and I can't even go talk to my perfectly healthy ones."

"You'll have a chance to make things right, Percy." They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes. "It's Christmas Day! We need to talk about something more cheerful than our parents."

"Any ideas?"

"Actually, yes. Er . . .May I ask you about something, Percy?"


"How did you really meet Audrey? I mean, I know you said you met her at the Ministry, she said the same thing, but I thought there was more to it than that." Percy began to stammer and blushed. "And the fact you're blushing makes me think I'm right." Neville smirked at him.

Percy took a deep breath, and told Neville about Audrey's seeing him fall flat on his arse in the corridor at the Ministry. Neville laughed, and Percy did, too. He realized, looking back, it was rather funny.

When Neville had stopped laughing he asked, "So how did you ask her to go out with you?"

"Well, Audrey asked me to have coffee with her the day we met. Then I asked her to have dinner with me, and on our third date I asked if she'd be my girlfriend." It was Percy's turn to smirk at Neville. "So, who do you fancy that you need to ask these questions?"

Neville blushed, but replied, "Hannah Abbott."

Percy didn't remember her, but he had a sudden thought. "I have just what you need!" He got up and went to his bookshelves, while Neville watched curiously. Since Percy's bookshelves were alphabetized by title, he found what he needed very quickly. He handed the book to Neville.

Neville took it and looked at it with interest. "Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches?"

"It's a wonderful book. Charlie gave it to me for my fourteenth birthday. He said he didn't need it anymore. Apparently, Bill had bought him a copy. I don't know how Bill found out about it. He bought the twins a copy, too, since he thought I might still need my copy."

"Well, I don't have to take it if you still need it."

"I don't still need it. I have the last three chapters memorized anyway."

Percy watched as Neville opened the book and looked at the list of chapters. Percy wasn’t exaggerating when he said he could name them off from memory.

1. Be the Best Version of Yourself
2. Talking to Witches
3. Meeting the Witch You Fancy
4. Getting to Know Your Special Witch
5. Compliments
6. The First Date
7. From Acquaintance to Girlfriend
8. The First Kiss . . .
9. . . . and More
10. The Proposal
11. The Wedding Night
12. Continue to Charm Your Witch Forever

"Merlin. This looks really helpful. Thanks Percy." Neville was blushing. "Er, since you don't need it anymore, does that mean that you've already . . . er . . . you know?"

Percy stared at Neville in confusion as he continued to stammer. Then his brain started to work. "No! We haven't . . . I mean, I've never . . ." Now Percy was blushing, too. "I'll be fine. Take the book."

Neville nodded. "Thank you."

"Well, I did say I'd get you something in addition to shield socks, so . . ."

Neville laughed.


Percy stared at the framed photograph of Audrey in her dress robes, his Christmas present from Neville. This had to be the best Christmas present ever! Audrey had taken some photographs (and had others take photographs) with her Muggle camera, but the photographs had not been developed before she had to flee the country. Percy wondered if Audrey had developed the photographs and was now at her Aunt Lucy's looking at a photograph of him . . .

Percy shuffled through the stack of other photos Neville had given him. They were all from the Yule Ball. Neville had framed the only one where Audrey was by herself. Percy knew Neville had gone to the Yule Ball with Ginny-he'd talked to his little sister that evening. But until Neville gave Percy his Christmas present, he had not known that Neville and Ginny had shared a table with Eloise Midgen and Colin Creevey, and Audrey and The Bloody Wanker (as Percy had come to refer to Audrey's ex-fiancé in his head).

Percy remembered Colin Creevey as the tiny little second year who constantly followed Harry around with a camera, but Colin had become quite a photographer. There was a picture of Neville and Ginny; one of each of them alone (Percy thought he might frame the one of Ginny-it was really good); a picture of the champions with their partners (Percy had been very surprised to see Hermione with Viktor Krum instead of Ron, but she looked lovely); a picture of the judges, which included himself; one of Neville and Ginny dancing, with Fred and Angelina dancing in the background; Ginny dancing with George and Neville dancing with Eloise Midgen; and one of Ron alone at a table, arms folded across his chest, glowering. Percy now had pictures of his younger siblings, as well as his girlfriend, and closest friend. Percy used a sticking charm to affix all of the photographs to the wall above his desk. He was very amused by photograph Ron's seeming to aim his glower at photograph Krum.

Percy had been invited to attend the E.W.W.W. New Years' Eve party with Aunt Gussie and Neville, but had declined. With all of the dueling practice they had the last several days, Percy was behind on "talking" to Audrey with the VAPP. He'd caught up, tidied his flat, played with Twoey and Hermes (Hermes had since gone out to hunt, while Twoey slept on Percy's shoulder), and now had arranged the photographs Neville had given him.

As Percy was looking at all of the photographs now on the wall over his desk, he noticed how much fun Neville and Ginny were having and smiled. Then he pondered all the questions Neville asked him about asking Hannah Abbott to go out with him. He hadn't seemed to have any problem asking Ginny for a date. Percy would have to remember to ask him.

Percy knew Neville should be over soon. He always took Aunt Gussie to the E.W.W.W. party, but it never lasted very long. They usually rang in the New Year at 10 P.M. so they could get to bed early. After all, it was midnight somewhere. Aunt Gussie had entrusted Percy with her wireless for the evening, just in case there was an episode of "Potterwatch". She had cast some complicated communication spell on the wireless so it would locate the episodes without someone's having to constantly tune the wireless with their wand. She had tried explaining it to Percy, but even with Arithmancy having been his best subject, he couldn't follow how it worked. Aunt Gussie truly was brilliant.

"Hi Perce." Percy turned to see that Neville had Apparated in.

"Hi. How was the party?"

"Same as always, but at least it's short." Neville glanced at the wall above Percy's desk and walked over to examine the newly hung pictures.

"Thank you for the pictures Neville. I didn't have any before." Neville grinned and shrugged. "Well, I guess I still have one of Penelope somewhere-I never threw it away, but I don't know where that one is." Percy glanced back at the photographs for a moment. "I meant to ask you, Neville, you asked Ginny to go on a date with you, so why the worry about Hannah?"

Neville blushed. "Well, I . . .Er . . .practiced with Audrey before I asked anybody."

"You practiced?"

"Well, yes. Audrey helped me decide who to ask, and then I practiced asking her. I actually asked Hermione first, but she already had a partner for the ball."

"I was really surprised to see Hermione there with Viktor Krum."

"I knew she was going with him, but I was surprised Ron didn't ask her first. Maybe he didn't get a chance. Hermione said she and Viktor had been talking in the library quite a bit, and he only waited a few days after the Ball was announced to ask."

"Has Ron gotten his head out of his arse yet?"

Neville laughed. "I don't think so. He went out with Lavender for a good part of our sixth year."

"Lavender Brown?! How did that happen?"

"I don't really know . . . but they had a spectacular row when Lavender ditched him."

"Hopefully Ron will cotton on soon to what everyone else has known for years." Neville chuckled. "So Audrey suggested going with Ginny? I didn't know Audrey had ever met Ginny until I saw the pictures you gave me from the Yule Ball."

"She didn't know Ginny. She asked me if I knew any third years, and suggested asking one because they wouldn't be able to go to the Ball unless an older student asked. So I was friends with Ginny and asked her to go as a friend."

Percy nodded. "So, that explains why it's different with Hannah."

Neville nodded. Percy gestured to the bottle of whiskey and glasses he had set out earlier, and Neville nodded again. Percy poured and they both sat down on the sofa with their drinks.

"So have you had a chance to read the book?"

"Yes. I think it will be very helpful."

"It was for me, especially with Penelope. First girlfriends are always more difficult. I had a much easier time asking Audrey to go out with me than I did Penelope." Percy became thoughtful for a moment. "So if Hannah will be your first girlfriend, does that mean you haven't kissed a girl yet?" Percy knew he was fishing, but didn't think Neville would mind.

Neville blushed, and Percy knew he had guessed correctly. Even if he followed the rules, he was a Weasley, after all.

Neville stammered a bit, "Are you going to hit me if I admit to kissing your little sister?"

Percy laughed. "No, that's more of a Charlie or Ron type of activity. They're the over-protective ones of us. So, Yule Ball, then?"

"Yes. Ginny and I had a lovely evening, and when we walked back to Gryffindor Tower, Ginny pulled me off to one side and suggested we get our first kisses out of the way with a good friend, so when we had the opportunity with someone who was more than a friend, we wouldn't be nervous."

Percy laughed again. "That sounds like Ginny. Merlin, she could have been a Slytherin."

"That's exactly what Audrey said!"

Percy laughed, but looked wistful, "Great minds think alike, I guess."

"I'm sorry, Percy. I won't keep bringing up Audrey if it's painful for you."

"No, I like to talk about Audrey. It reminds me she's real and not just a lovely dream. So . . . Ginny. Anyone else?"

Neville blushed again. "Well, last term, Luna had the same idea as Ginny. Ginny might have suggested it to her, I don't know. Luna and I snogged a few times. As a Ravenclaw she was very intent on learning all she could so she'd be ready "when the time came." I don't really know what that meant, but she said we had to stop snogging because I fancied Hannah and that wouldn't be right."

"So you told Luna about fancying Hannah?"

"No. Luna told me I fancied Hannah. She was right, but I hadn't known it yet."

Percy nodded. "Girls always seem to know these things before we do. Ginny was the first to know I was going out with Penelope. Of course, she walked in on us snogging, so that might have given her a clue."

Neville laughed.

"Did I ever tell you about the time when Ginny kissed Luna?"

"Percy! I don't need the image in my head of the two girls I've kissed kissing each other! Bloody Hell!"

Percy laughed. "I think they were five, so get your mind out of the cellar." Percy rolled his eyes. "Luna came over to the Burrow to play with Ginny, and Ginny, of course, wanted to play 'wedding' which was her favorite game. Ginny was the bride, Luna was the groom-Harry Potter, who else?-Fred and George were the bridesmaids, Ron was the best man, and I was the Ministry official who performed the ceremony. When I said, 'You may now kiss the bride' Luna and Ginny actually kissed, rather than pretending like we all did when any of us had to play the groom. Ron had a fit about how disgusting that was, Fred and George were laughing, I was amused at the cuteness of my little sister, Mum thought it was sweet-she came in to see why Ron was making so much noise. Mum actually has a picture of Fred and George on either side of Luna kissing her on the cheek. She has quite a few pictures of that day, because Ginny elected Mum as the wedding photographer."

"It sounds like all of you had fun together as children."

Percy looked thoughtful. "We did sometimes. We always had fun playing Quidditch together, but I preferred reading to being outside. All of us adored Ginny and would pretty much do whatever she wanted, except let her play Quidditch until Mum said she was old enough."

Neville began to say something, but Percy stopped him.

"Yes, we all know Ginny was picking the lock on the broom shed and flying by herself. Fred and George taught her to pick locks, and I saw her sneaking around, but never told on her. I usually just told on Fred and George because they were always pranking me."

The wireless began to make strange noises and Neville tapped it with his wand and said "Kingsley Shacklebolt". Nothing happened so he tapped it again and said "1998". The wireless crackled into life.

"Welcome to a special New Year's Eve edition of Potterwatch. We have some breaking news! I'm sure the Death Eaters do not want us to know this news as nothing has been mentioned in The Prophet over the past couple of days, but we have a number of Potterwatch correspondents keeping their eyes and ears open to bring you the truth! Death Eaters at the Ministry received a letter from Xenophilius Lovegood stating that he was holding Harry Potter at his home and would keep him there until Death Eaters could come to arrest him."

"NO!" Neville shrieked. Percy gripped his shoulder bracingly.

"When the Death Eaters arrived, Mr Lovegood informed them that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley were upstairs, and then the house exploded, covering Mr Lovegood and the Ministry Death Eaters in rubble. In the midst of the explosion, the Death Eaters saw Harry Potter and Hermione Granger fall through the ceiling and Apparate in mid-air. There was no evidence of any involvement by Ron Weasley, who is, as far as we here at Potterwatch are aware, still at home recovering from a nasty bout of spattergroit. Correspondent Royal, do you have any information to add?"

Percy breathed a sigh of relief that Ron was safe at home. He shook his head that the state of the Wizarding world made being sick in bed with a potentially fatal illness qualify as 'safe'.

"Yes, River. Xenophilius Lovegood was taken into custody by the Death Eaters, but has no memory of Harry Potter or anyone else being in his home and no memory of having contacted the Ministry. Apparently, the explosion-whatever the cause, it is still unknown-must have caused Xenophilius' memory loss. He is currently being held at The Ministry under suspicion for giving false information to the authorities."

"I would say 'poor bloke' except he tried to hand Harry over to You-Know-Who."

"I would hypothesize that Xenophilius detained Harry in order to use him as a bargaining chip to rescue his daughter from captivity. It is still unknown where the Death Eaters are holding Luna Lovegood, whom they kidnapped from the Hogwarts Express a couple of weeks ago. We do not know why Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were at the Lovegood home."

"Well, they were friends with Luna. Maybe they didn't know she had been kidnapped and went for a visit?"

"I find it unlikely that the two most wanted people in the country would just pop in for a chat at a friend's house."

"True, that. But even though we do not have details of this event, we do know Luna Lovegood is still being held at an unknown location; Xenophilius Lovegood is being detained at the Ministry; the Lovegood home is in ruins, as is the office of 'The Quibbler'; and most importantly, we have confirmation that Hermione Granger is travelling with Harry Potter. With the cleverest witch of her age helping him, Harry will be even more likely to defeat The Dark Tosser."

"Well said, River. I will let our listeners in on a secret. The last time I saw Dumbledore, he said to me, 'Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him.' I couldn't agree more, Albus, I couldn't agree more."

"Thank you, Royal, for sharing those inspirational words from a fallen hero. I wholeheartedly agree! I would only add what I have learned from the events at the Lovegood home. Death Eaters can never be trusted. If the Death Eaters promise the return of your loved ones, do not make deals with them. Do not give them information about Harry. Remember what happened to Xenophilius, and help Harry Potter, not You-Know-Who.

And while this is probably obvious, Correspondent Royal managed to elude the Death Eaters and is safe, for which we are all very thankful."

"Thank you, River. I'm rather glad to be safe, too."

"And now, Listeners, I bring you another segment from Pals of Potter with correspondent Re'em."

Percy snorted. He was certain he knew who was about to speak. Neville just looked at him in confusion.

"Re'em, you're up."

"Wha? Oh, Re'em! Tha's me. Righ'. 'Arry? 'Arry, if yer listenin' I jus' want yer to know tha' I support yer all the way! Yer've been in so many scrapes, and yer've got through 'em before. Yer'll get through this time, too. Yer jus' like yer parents 'Arry with Lily's loyalty and James' courage. They'd be right proud of yer, 'Arry and so'm I. Dumbledore'd be proud, too. Great man, Dumbledore. Great man."

Percy heard an audible sniff, as River began speaking again.

"Thank you, Re'em. And now to all of our Potterwatch listeners, may 1998 be the year Harry Potter defeats Old Moldy-shorts once and for all! Let us toast the year in which the Wizarding world will be returned to normal by the Man-Who-Lived."

Percy poured two more shots and gave one to Neville.

Neville lifted his glass and said, "To Harry!"

Percy replied, "To Harry!" And they both downed their shots.

"And speaking of 1998, here it comes! Ten! Nine! Eight! . . ."

Percy and Neville joined Lee, Kingsley, and Hagrid in the countdown.

"Three! Two! One! Happy New Year, Listeners!"

Percy and Neville joined the chorus of "Happy New Years" and sang along as Lee started "Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind . . ."

Percy heard noise outside, and when he looked out his window, there were fireworks. He gestured for Neville to come, too, and together they watched a sparkly lion eating a snake, a red dragon chasing a white faced man, a phoenix rising from the ashes and crushing a skull beneath its foot, and Catherine wheels galore chasing everything.

Neville turned to Percy and asked, "Fred and George?"

Percy nodded. "Fred and George."

As the Potterwatch participants continued singing on the wireless and the fireworks were still popping outside the window, Neville asked Percy, "Why did you laugh that Hagrid was called Re'em?"

"Re'em are extremely rare giant oxen with golden hides. Re'em blood gives the drinker immense strength, according to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I just thought it was a highly appropriate moniker for Hagrid."

"Oh. Happy New Year, Percy."

"Happy New Year, Neville."

“Happy New Year, Audrey,” Percy whispered.

“Happy New Year, Cous,” Neville echoed.

The singing on the wireless stopped and together Lee, Hagrid, and Kingsley said, "Happy New Year, Potterwatch Listeners! Happy New Year, Harry and Hermione, wherever you are!" Then the wireless faded into silence. Neville and Percy remained at the window, not speaking, just watching Fred and George's fireworks display.


Audrey survived her parents' visit-barely. She was very relieved when they left. She thought Nanny and Uncle Ed were relieved, too, although they were too kind to say anything.

Audrey was exhausted. She left Sally B.'s at six in the morning after having talked all night, thrilled to have a new friend. She Apparated directly to her bedroom from Sally B.'s, and fell into bed for an entire two hours, until her mother woke her up. With the help of a six-pack of Diet Mountain Dew, Audrey made it through the busy sightseeing day her parents wanted, and then church the next morning and taking her parents to the airport. She didn't have a chance to tell Nanny and Uncle Ed about Sally B. until after her parents had left, and she had taken a long nap.

"So tell us what you've been dying to tell us," Nanny said to Audrey over dinner the evening her parents left.

Audrey giggled, "Sally B. is a Pureblood witch. She's attending UAH to live as a Muggle, so she can get experience. She wants to be a Muggle Studies professor. Sally B.'s family actually has their lineage traced back to the early middle ages. Her real name, you will love this, is Salieri Brunhilda."

"Well good night!" Uncle Ed exclaimed. "No wonder the poor kid goes by Sally B."

Audrey laughed. "I know. Her father is a direct descendant of the composer Salieri, who was a Wizard-that was where all the tension with Mozart, who was a Muggle, came from. Shortly after that was when the Muggle Secrecy Act was first passed, before that it wasn't an issue-and her mother is a descendent of the warrior Brunhilda. Was she a Visigoth? I forget . . . Anyway, her family have been Purebloods forever and think she's nutters for wanting to teach Muggle Studies, but they aren't Voldemort supporters, just snobs. Sally B. said her parents stopped seeing some of their oldest friends when one commented on Voldemort's having the right idea." Audrey shuddered.

"Good for them!" Nanny enthused.

"Yes. And she has a ton of siblings. One older brother and eight younger brothers and sisters. So far, Sally B. says. She doesn't go home very often since her parents don’t want her 'corrupting the children' with her 'Muggle nonsense.'"

Uncle Ed snorted. "Sounds familiar, huh? Well, she's always welcome here if she needs somewhere to spend the holidays."

Audrey jumped up and hugged Uncle Ed. "Thank you! She said she's spending Christmas week with her family, but will be back in her flat . . . apartment, I guess here, before New Year's. We're going to go see the fairy lights in Redstone Alley on the twenty-third before she goes home for the holiday."

"That will be lovely for both of you, dear! I'm so glad you found each other!" Nanny said.

"Me, too. It's brilliant to have someone my own age to talk to."


Audrey came home from having a wonderful time seeing the fairy lights with Sally B. She knew she should visit Redstone Alley more often since she had only been with Nanny twice, since returning to the States. Nanny went for potions ingredients every couple of months, but usually shopped in Muggle stores, since most of her and Uncle Ed's local friends were Muggles.

Audrey had many knit items ready for her friends. She sent Sara a hat, glove and scarf set in purple, her favorite color. She'd mailed the gift in the Muggle way before her exams to make sure it would arrive in time for Christmas. She made Percy a hat, scarf, and mittens in Gryffindor colors and a sweater out of yarn the same blue as his eyes. She also made him an afghan of both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff colors mixed together. Those boxes were wrapped and under Nanny and Uncle Ed's Christmas tree. Even though they couldn't be delivered yet, Audrey liked seeing them there. She thought Percy would like seeing the Christmas wrapping paper when she could eventually give him his presents.

Audrey had a vast supply of pot holders and scarves in various colors and stitches that she made to practice as she was learning to knit. She took her supply in a large bag and allowed the "Lunch Bunch" and the restaurant's staff to choose what they would like. She did the same thing for Sally B. Sally B. bought Audrey's lunch when they went to Redstone Alley since they hadn't been friends long enough to really think about gifts.

Audrey thought of knitting as productive fidgeting. She kept her hands busy so she wouldn’t chew her nails or wring her hands worrying about Percy. So far so good. And she'd become a proficient knitter in a very short time. Sara kept her posted on all the information she had, and Percy had neither been arrested and listed in The Daily Prophet nor listed as a casualty on Potterwatch, so that was something. She didn’t have much to hang on to, so had to do what she could.


Christmas Eve was a very relaxed day for Audrey, Nanny, and Uncle Ed. They slept in, lingered together over breakfast, and watched movies. Nanny had made stuffed shells, an Italian dish, their traditional Christmas Eve dinner, the previous day so they would be ready for after the first church service that evening.

Throughout the day, Nanny kept going to the window and looking out, finally shrieking, "The mail's here!" and running outside.

When Nanny came back in, she dropped the mail on the kitchen counter and sighed. "Nothing from Gussie."

"Doesn't she usually send owls?" Audrey asked.

"Yes, and there's usually an owl late at night on the 23rd so we have our Christmas Crackers for Christmas Eve. You just can't find Christmas Crackers here, Wizard or Muggle, at least not decent ones."

"Maybe the owl's slow and will be here tonight," Uncle Ed suggested giving her a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

Nanny smiled, "Maybe."

They went to the five o'clock church service where the choir sang, then came home for a wonderful meal of stuffed shells. Audrey knew it was a strange tradition, but she loved it. Then they drove around various Muggle neighborhoods looking at the Christmas lights and went to the eleven o'clock service where Uncle Ed sang "O Holy Night" as a solo. Audrey loved to hear Uncle Ed's deep booming voice filling the sanctuary. The music seemed to fill her heart and brought her inexplicable comfort.


Christmas Day was even more relaxed than Christmas Eve. Audrey gave Nanny and Uncle Ed the sweaters she had made them. Nanny's was black with flowers of every color of the rainbow, all with yellow centers to have a bit of Hufflepuff flair. Uncle Ed's was all green with several different stitches so it had an interesting pattern.

Nanny and Uncle Ed gave Audrey a gold bracelet with a variety of different shapes and sizes of heart charms that had belonged to Granny. They had put pictures in the heart locket-one of the two of them, and one of Percy. Audrey adored it. They also gave her a variety of gift cards for movies and restaurants so she could go out and "do Muggle things" with Sally B.

They spent the day together eating, sharing funny stories, watching movies, and playing silly board games like they had when Audrey was little. The best sort of day in Audrey's opinion. Almost perfect. The only thing that would have made it better was if Percy could have been there with her. She wondered if the war with Voldemort would be over and if Percy would be with her and Nanny and Uncle Ed the next Christmas. With that pleasant thought, Audrey fell asleep.


Sally B. survived an entire four days and nights with her family before she came back to her own apartment a few days early, so she and Audrey spent several fun, study-free days together using the gift cards from Nanny and Uncle Ed. Sally B. had been invited to a New Year's Eve party, and without getting Audrey's permission first, wrangled an invitation for her, too, but before the party, they gathered with Nanny and Uncle Ed to watch the New Year's celebrations in England at six in the evening their time.

"Lucy and I usually ring in the New Year early so we can go to bed. It's midnight somewhere, after all, but this has to be a record."

Sally B. laughed.

"I just want to celebrate at the same time Percy is celebrating," Audrey huffed.

"We know, love," Nanny comforted.

"I'll pour the champagne, so we can be ready."

They turned on the TV and watched the newscasters' footage of the Tower Bridge, Big Ben, and the crowds at Piccadilly Circus, but they really weren't saying anything of import, until the countdown began.

Uncle Ed, Nanny, Sally B., and Audrey all joined in, "TEN! NINE! . . . THREE! TWO! ONE! Happy New Year!" They cheered together, tinked their champagne flutes, and took sips, watching the T.V. as fireworks exploded above Big Ben. A sparkly lion ate a snake, and a red dragon chased a white faced man, a phoenix rose from the ashes and crushed a skull beneath its foot . . .

"Those are some phenomenal fireworks!" said Uncle Ed.

"I've never seen fireworks that great!" Sally B. gushed. "Are they always that good in England?"

"Those have to be Fred and George's!" Audrey almost spilled her champagne in her excitement.

"Those are Percy's brothers who have the shop?" Sally B. asked. Audrey nodded, her eyes still glued to the T.V. "They must be really talented. Are they single?"

Everyone laughed, as Audrey answered, "As far as I know Fred and George are single."

"Well, that was a good show," Nanny said. "Happy New Year, England!"

"Happy New Year, Percy," Audrey whispered. "Please stay safe."

"Happy New Year, Gussie," Nanny said quietly.

"Happy New Year, Cous," A tear slipped down Audrey's cheek.

"None of that. This is a celebration! Think about the fireworks. If Fred and George managed that, you know they're doing well. Have some more champagne," Uncle Ed refilled Audrey's glass and then offered some to Sally B.

Nanny said, "I think I hear the mail. I'll just run and check it."

"I don't know them, but Fred and George wouldn't be bothering with things like fireworks if something had happened to anyone in their family recently, would they?" Sally B. asked.

"I don't think so," Audrey said.

Nanny yelled from halfway down the driveway, "There's a letter from Gussie!" She came running into the room, breathless and beaming.

"Well, open it!" Uncle Ed said.

Nanny opened the envelope, and read aloud.

Dear Lucy,

I debated whether sending correspondence through the Muggle post would be safe, but decided we could risk it, at least this once. I have charmed the letter so only you can read it, too. I couldn't let you miss your Christmas Crackers, after all.

"She sent the crackers?" Audrey asked. "Where are they?"

Nanny looked into the envelope and answered, "They're still in the envelope. Gussie shrunk them. Now hush and let me read."

Fred and George Weasley assured me shrinking the crackers would not harm them. Actually, I'm not sure I would trust the crackers at all. Open them with caution, especially the ones for Audrey. There's something going on there . . . Fred said he made a cracker just for Audrey, and George rolled his eyes and muttered, and then told me to ignore Fred and take a different cracker for Audrey, so I included both. They wouldn't tell me what was behind the muttering, not that I expected them to. I do not usually patronize Weasley Wizard Wheezes, but as Fred and George are both members of the Order of the Phoenix, I can Apparate directly into their back room, and they have a connection at the Muggle post office who is a squib, so I was able to Apparate there and get the package mailed without being seen, which is a very good thing in the present climate. I do not mean to criticize Fred and George-their defense products are excellent, and they are both competent business owners and Order members. I just don't fancy their more frivolous merchandise. I told them to omit the jokes from the crackers, because I was certain they would not be appropriate. I also warned them one of the crackers was for Ed and to behave accordingly, but whether they will listen or not is anybody's guess.

Well, enough about the crackers-they are what they are. In more important news, I have continued to watch over Susan and P.G. and have kept protective spells on their home and places of business. So far, I have not encountered any trouble or even seen anyone watching them.

Dirk Cresswell, you remember Dirk, I'm sure, had appeared for his "hearing" before the Muggle Registration Commission and was released. Later, he was sent to Azkaban for faking his family tree, but thankfully, he escaped. Auror Dawlish was sent to escort him, and Dawlish is a bumbling idiot. I should know-I voted not to let him into the Aurors, but I was in the minority. Now I'm rather glad he's there, since he's completely incompetent, and that's working for our side.

In other Ministry news, that horrid Dolores Umbridge stole Alastor's magical eye, from his dead body apparently, and had placed it in the door of her office to spy on Ministry employees. If I ever get my hands on her . . . We'll just say she should hope I don't.

Harry Potter is listed as the Ministry's "Undesirable # 1" and there are signs everywhere offering a 10,000 galleon reward for information leading to his capture. Audrey is "Undesirable # 17", but she probably already knows that from her friend Sara.

I have been entertaining Percy Weasley for dinner two evenings each week, and he is a very fine young man and obviously besotted with Audrey. He and Neville are on their way to becoming friends, I think, and I am quite glad of that. I have been teaching Percy some dueling techniques in case he should need them. He is doing his best to fit in and not ruffle any Death Eater feathers at the Ministry. I was horrified to learn that he has to flush himself into work each day as part of the Ministry's new "security". He has seen his father in the corridors several times, but of, course, cannot speak to him now, although I know he wants to. Percy and I listen to "Potterwatch" whenever it is on the wireless, and get the actual news that way. So far Dirk Cresswell is the only person you know who has been in the news-"The Daily Prophet" or "Potterwatch". I wish I could keep you posted, but that really isn't possible on a regular basis. I will say I think this war has an end in sight. I know Albus gave Harry Potter some sort of task which will help bring down Voldemort. Neville has the utmost faith in Harry, and I trust Neville's judgment.

Unfortunately, I have had very little contact with Neville with Death Eaters teaching at Hogwarts. All mail is watched, and we had not had an opportunity to work out a code before he boarded the Hogwarts' Express. He is a resourceful young man and has grown to have his father's gifts, which I trust will keep him safe. I would have liked to telephone you with news, but when Neville called to inform you of Audrey's arrival, he used the last of the money on the telephone card as well as my remaining Muggle coins. I have not yet had the opportunity to obtain more, and owls are strictly monitored, especially international owls. This one letter will have to suffice. I am comforted knowing you and Ed and Audrey are safe. I assure you Neville, Percy, and I can look after ourselves. Percy especially has reason to be careful and keep himself safe for when this is over.

I do not know how long Muggle post takes, but the crackers are probably late. I hope you enjoy them. Knowing Fred and George, they will at least be amusing if not entirely safe or appropriate. Happy Christmas!

All My Love,


"These must be really good crackers!" Sally B. exclaimed. "What do they have in them?"

"These aren't the kind of crackers you eat," Audrey explained.

Sally B. still looked confused. Uncle Ed added, "Christmas Crackers are a special container for gifts. It's a British thing, I think, or at least not an American one. They make a popping noise like firecrackers when you open them. The Muggle ones usually have a paper party hat, a trinket sort of gift, and some jokes written on slips of paper. The Wizarding ones are rather more exciting," Uncle Ed chuckled.

"Let's open them!" Audrey enthused. "I can open the one from Fred and Sally B. can have the one George sent."

"I don't have to have one," Sally B. argued. "He sent that in case you didn't like the one from Fred."

"Don't be silly! Whatever Fred sent for me will be fine. He was probably just taking the mickey. Nanny, open yours first. You were the most excited for the crackers to get here."

Nanny slid the crackers out of the envelope onto the coffee table and enlarged them with her wand. "I am rather like a small child when it comes to excitement over Christmas crackers," she giggled.

Nanny pulled her cracker, and it not only popped but also emitted a ball of light that burst into a cascade of flowers. "How lovely!" She pulled out three small gifts which instantly expanded to their correct size-an assortment of fine dark chocolates, a bottle of elderflower wine, and a pale blue silk scarf. "I guess this is supposed to be the hat," Nanny said, wrapping the scarf around her head. "So pretty!" She smiled.

"Sally B., you go next, honey," Nanny said.

Sally B. looked at the cracker uncertainly, but pulled the ends like she had seen Nanny do. Gold stars showered from it as it popped. It contained the Weasley Wizard Wheezes Deluxe Skiving Snackbox Assortment, All-Inclusive Sample Set for WonderWitch Products, and Canary Cremes.

"Oh, what are these?!" Sally B. enthused, stuffing a Canary Crème into her mouth before Audrey could stop her.

With a puff of yellow smoke, Sally B. turned into a giant canary. She blinked, looked down her beak at her body, squawked, looked at Audrey and made a squeaky noise as if in question.

In between laughing, Audrey said, "They're Canary Cremes. You eat one and turn into a canary for a short time. Don't worry. It wears off." Audrey popped a crème into her own mouth and joined Sally B. in being a canary.

Nanny took a picture of the two canaries sitting side by side on the sofa. After another minute, Sally B. and Audrey both turned back into themselves.

"That was weird!" Sally B. laughed.

"Most of what Fred and George make is weird. The WonderWitch stuff is really nice, though. I'd be wary of the Skiving Snackbox. Those will give you a fever, make you throw up, it's a way to get out of class and have a valid excuse."

"You can show me what's what later, then."

"Open yours Audrey," Uncle Ed said.

"Why don't you . . ."

"Ladies first."

Audrey took her cracker and pulled it. It didn't make a sound but red hearts flew out of it and circled around her, flapping like butterflies. She was delighted watching the flying hearts until they dissipated. The three presents which had fallen onto her lap grew to normal size as the hearts vanished. She had a red flannel nightshirt, a box of chocolates, and a book with a plain cover.

"This looks like the perfect evening curled up on the couch!" Audrey exclaimed.

"I wonder why George didn't want to give it to you?" Nanny wondered.

"Is his family really traditional, and he thought giving a girl a nightgown wasn't appropriate?" Uncle Ed suggested.

"That's possible I guess. It's just strange Fred and George wouldn't agree on it."

"Well, whatever. They're nice gifts. Open yours, Uncle Ed."

Uncle Ed did, and multi-colored spirals whizzed from his popped cracker, which contained novelty shot glasses shaped like the heads of famous wizards, a bag of Audrey's favorite type of crisps, and a bottle of Firewhisky.

"Oh, I'm going to try this!" Uncle Ed exclaimed. "Anybody else?"

"I think Sally B. and I need to get ready for the party," Audrey said.

"Have a good time!" Nanny added.


When Audrey and Sally B. arrived in Audrey's room, Audrey shut the door and used her wand to cast a silencing charm.

"What-" Sally B. started.

"There's no way Fred would give me such innocuous gifts, especially if George were against the plan. There has to be something more to these," Audrey hypothesized as she put the gifts on the bed.

Audrey waved her wand over the gifts. "Revelio!"

Fred's voice emanated from the parts of the cracker and said teasingly, "Not unless you say the password, Audrey."

"He has a sexy voice," said Sally B.

Audrey laughed. "Not as sexy as Percy's."

"How are you going to figure out the password?"

"Well, I know Fred and George-we were in the same year at school-so I'll guess things I've heard them say." Audrey waved her wand over the presents, "Weasley Wizard Wheezes!"

"Not even close," Fred-in-the-cracker answered.

Sally B. stood by quietly as Audrey thought for a moment. "Gryffindor Quidditch Beaters!"

"No," responded Fred-in-the-cracker.

"It has to be something I've heard them say, rather than a place or something they did. Hmmm . . ." Audrey thought again, waved her wand and said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!"

"I knew you'd get it!" As Fred's voice died away, her red flannel nightshirt transformed into a filmy, lacy black nightie that was very short and came with matching knickers with bows that tied on the sides. The chocolates were still chocolates but the box now proclaimed, "You'll have to eat one to see what happens!" The plain-covered book began to have waves and swirls on the cover, like an out-of-focus photograph coming into focus. When it focused, it was a picture of a naked Percy with the title, "Pleasing Your Prefect." Audrey shrieked and grabbed the book off the bed, clutching it to her chest, as Sally B. dissolved into giggles.

"How'd they get a picture of Percy naked if he isn't talking to his brothers?" Sally B. choked out through her laughter.

Audrey peeked at the cover. She hadn't seen Percy naked yet, so she made herself concentrate on his face. He looked much younger in the picture. "I think they must have had it from when he was younger," Audrey answered.

"Well at least now you know why Fred and George were in disagreement, but how did Fred know you're going out with Percy?"

"I don't know. I'm going to have to think about that," Audrey answered. She looked at the clock and said, "We really do need to get ready for the party. We can solve the 'mystery' later."


Audrey and Sally B. had fun at the party. Audrey hadn't been very keen on attending at first, but it was a good chance to be around other people and not think about Percy for a few hours. Especially since she was now trying to not think of Percy naked.

She slept later than she ever had on New Year's Day, but woke up in time for lunch. She filled Nanny and Uncle Ed in on the party, at least the parts she could tell them, and then was actually contemplating a nap when the phone rang.

Audrey answered to a cheerful, "Hi Audrey!"

"Sara! Happy New Year!"

"Same to you! I just got back to Switzerland from England, and I had to tell you-I got to hear three Episodes of Potterwatch!"

"I'll put you on speaker phone so you can tell Nanny and Uncle Ed, too." Audrey did, calling Nanny and Uncle Ed to come to the phone.

"First of all, Lee is great as a radio broadcaster, which shouldn't surprise anyone. In the first broadcast, he said Luna Lovegood was kidnapped by Death Eaters off the Hogwarts Express!"

"Oh my goodness! Luna's that sweet, rather strange girl in Ginny's year. She's a friend of Neville's. She came by the greenhouses a few times when Neville and I were working on our plants together. Poor thing!" Audrey thought she might cry.

"I know. It's awful. And I think it was likely Neville and Ginny who tried to stop the Death Eaters. Lee didn't give names, but he said her friends who tried to help were true Gryffindors, and it wasn't their fault, there was nothing they could have done. I don't think poor Luna really has friends other than Ginny and Neville, does she?"

"I don't really know her that well, but Ginny and Neville would certainly help her. How do you know so much about . . ."

"When I was Head Girl, I made it a point to at least meet every student, even the Slytherins, although they were more troublesome than the rest."

That's right! I'd forgotten you did that! Do they know what's happened to Luna?"

"Unfortunately no. They think she was kidnapped to get her father to stop using The Quibbler to support Harry Potter."

Audrey did start to cry when she heard that. Nanny and Uncle Ed both put their arms around her.

"This gets even more interesting. The other really huge news came on New Year's Eve. Nobody knows why, but Harry Potter and Hermione Granger went to the Lovegood home, and Mr Lovegood tried to turn them over to the Death Eaters."


"Lee said it was because he wanted to use Harry as a bargaining chip to get Luna back, but it didn't work. Harry and Hermione escaped, and now Mr Lovegood is being detained at the Ministry. Lee told everyone that what we should learn from this fiasco is to help Harry Potter and not the Death Eaters."

"I would think that'd be pretty obvious," Audrey said.

"People will do anything to save their children," Uncle Ed added sadly.

"The really good news from this mess," Sara continued, "is that we know Hermione is with Harry which should certainly help with defeating You-Know-Who."

"How old are these children?" Nanny asked.

"Seventeen," Audrey answered.

"Poor little kid," Nanny tutted, "Seventeen and needing to save the world."

"I was fighting in a war to save the world at 17," said Uncle Ed.

"You had a battalion fighting with you though! And a country behind you! This is a civil war, and those poor children are all alone . . ." Nanny choked back a sob, and Audrey hugged her.

"There's more news," Sara continued. "Lee said in the second broadcast that You-Know-Who's name has been made taboo, so that if anybody uses it, all of the protective charms around their location break, and the Death Eaters show up. One of the people helping Lee almost got caught. His name is Royal, but I don't know who he really is, but he got away, thankfully. Royal was back in the last broadcast I heard, so we know he's fine. Lee was really funny coming up with names that you could call You-Know-Who. My personal favorite is Moldy-shorts."

Audrey, Nanny, and Uncle Ed all laughed at that, and Uncle Ed chuckled repeating "Moldy-shorts" under his breath.

"They also had other people talk and give encouraging comments to Harry. Lee called the segment 'Pals of Potter'. A woman spoke . . . I didn't recognize her voice but she sure believes in Harry. Everybody has code names. Hers was 'Random'. Then 'Rascal' spoke and that's either Fred or George, I can't tell them apart just by voice. He was very funny and encouraging, too."

"I wish I could hear it, but at least second hand information is much better than sixth!"

"I wish you could hear it, too. In last night's broadcast, Hagrid was on, and he was so funny! He forgot what his code name was, and Lee had to cue him."


"Re'em," Sara giggled.

Audrey chuckled. "What a perfect name for Hagrid!"

"That's all the new information."

"That's a lot," Nanny said.

"We watched the New Year's celebrations in England on the telly, and I'm sure the fireworks were Fred and George's."

"I saw those, too! They were pretty far away, but we could still see them from my parents' house."

"I'm glad you were able to go visit your parents. Did your brother make it home, too?"

"Yes, we all got to be there. I was glad, too. Did all of you have a happy Christmas? Or as happy as it can be given the situation?"

"Yes, we did!"

"Audrey," Nanny said. "Why don't you switch to the phone in your room and tell Sara about your new friend."


"Bye Mr and Mrs Pevensie!" Sara called.

"How many times do we have to tell you, Sara, that it's Lucy and Ed?" Uncle Ed shook his head.

"I'll just go upstairs to the other phone." Audrey handed off the received to Nanny.

When she arrived in her room, she put up a silencing charm, and then picked up the other extension. "Thanks, Nanny. I've got it."

"OK, dear. Bye Sara."

Audrey waited until she heard the click, then whispered to Sara, "I have a new friend I'll tell you about, but first I need to tell you about my Christmas cracker from Fred." Audrey told Sara the entire story.

"How did Fred even know?

"I told you about when Percy and I went to get your birthday present. All I can think is that when Percy saw Fred and Apparated, that Fred had seen him, too. I wouldn't tell Lee who I was going out with, so maybe Fred put it together. That would explain why George didn't agree, because Percy had only seen Fred and not George, so maybe George couldn't believe it was possible?"

"That makes sense, but how did Fred get a naked picture of Percy?"

"I think it has to be at least a few years old, since he looks younger, but it's driving me barmy! All I can think is that Percy must look even better now!" Audrey groaned.

Sara giggled. "So how much time have you been spending staring at the picture of Percy naked?"

"More time than I want to admit," Audrey groaned again.

Sara laughed loudly. "And I thought it was men who only thought about one thing!"

"I stare at the pictures I took of Percy with his clothes on, too!" Audrey retorted defensively. "Do you think Fred realized this would make me insane?"

"Definitely. So get your mind off of Percy, naked or otherwise, and tell me about your new friend."

Audrey told Sara all about Sally B. and when she hung up the phone she stared at Percy's pictures some more.

Chapter 12: Heading for the Last Roundup

*mollywheezy, novel-length, 2013, fred weasley, augusta longbottom, percy weasley, percy/audrey, a year of worry and hope, george weasley, neville longbottom

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