Novel-Length Fic: A Year of Worry and Hope

Dec 20, 2013 17:17

Title: A Year of Worry and Hope
Word Count: ~73,000 + and counting; 4830 for chapter ten
Rating: PG-13 (I *think* it stays PG-13 all the way through the story.)
Summary: Essentially, the events of "Deathly Hallows" from Percy Weasley's and Audrey Mitchell's points of view, including frequent cameos by Fred and George Weasley, and the Longbottoms, as well as other canon characters.

Chapter 1: When Percy Met Audrey
Chapter 2: Going Out
Chapter 3: Weasley Wizard Wheezes
Chapter 3.5: Seeing Is Believing
Chapter 4: Muggle Weekend
Chapter 5: Loneliness Revisited
Chapter 6: Unusual Correspondence
Chapter 7: A Surprising Start to September
Chapter 8: More Surprises
Chapter 9: The Long Haul

Chapter 10:

Chapter 10: New Experiences
Words: 4830

Percy slowly opened his eyes. His head hurt, and he was sure he was growing lichen on his tongue. Where was he? This wasn't his flat. He glanced to the side, wincing at the crick in his neck, and saw Neville sprawled on his stomach hanging over the opposite end of the sofa. Right. He and Neville had consumed almost an entire bottle of Muggle whiskey from Uncle Ed while Neville told him what had really been going on at Hogwarts under the direction of Snape and the Carrows. Merlin.

When Percy stood up, an afghan fell to the floor. He had a sinking feeling as he looked at Neville, also half covered with an afghan. Of course, Aunt Gussie had seen them like this when she came home from wherever she had been. Maybe she wasn't too furious if she'd covered both of them with afghans? And maybe he could Apparate home for some hangover potion for himself and Neville before she woke up.

Percy Apparated straight to his kitchen, and opened his potions cupboard. He took out one vial of hangover potion and drank it. When Charlie had given it to him, Percy had thought he would never use it, but he supposed big brothers did know best. His head immediately cleared, and the lichen left his tongue. He picked up another vial to take to Neville and Apparated back to Aunt Gussie's.

When Percy arrived, he glanced at the sofa, but Neville wasn't there. Aunt Gussie was, however. She glanced at the vial in his hand, and said, "I unlocked the liquor cupboard when Neville came of age, and told him he could help himself. I also told him I disapprove of drunkenness, and he would not be partaking of hangover potion in my house." She reached her hand out to Percy. "You may hand that over to me, and I will return it to you later, or you may Apparate home and put it away. You are welcome to return for breakfast."

Percy thought quickly. "Breakfast would be lovely, thank you. I'll be right back." And he Apparated.

Percy arrived in Neville's bedroom. He really hoped Aunt Gussie hadn't heard him. She hadn't sounded angry, and he didn't want to change that.

Neville was leaning on his dresser, barely able to hold himself up. He didn't even jump when Percy Apparated into his bedroom. Percy put a finger to his lips to warn Neville to be quiet, grabbed his arm and side-along Apparated him to his flat.

"What!? Huh?" Neville sputtered at arriving in Percy's kitchen.

"Here. Drink this." Percy handed Neville the vial.

Neville drank it without even asking what it was. He began to look better instantly. "Thanks, Percy!"

"You're welcome. Your grandmother said you couldn't have hangover potion in her house. She never mentioned my flat."

Neville snorted. Percy took his arm again and Apparated back to Neville's bedroom, dropped off Neville, then Apparated immediately downstairs.

Percy walked into the kitchen and said, "Breakfast smells good, Aunt Gussie. May I do anything to help?"

Aunt Gussie looked at him shrewdly, and Percy tried not to quake beneath her stern gaze. "Young man, don't think for one second that I don't know what you just did. I may not be an active Auror anymore, but I still have the senses of one." Percy blushed, as Neville walked into the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready. You two miscreants will be doing the washing up."


Aunt Gussie had not said anything else to them about getting drunk the night before, although she had managed to summon both of their wands before Percy and Neville even noticed what had happened, so they were doing the washing up without magic.

"So where was your gran last night?"

"She had her E.W.W.W. meeting."


Neville laughed, "Yeah, Gran tells people it's 'Elderly Witches Weaving Wraps', but that's just the cover story. People expect older witches to knit and sew and that sort of thing. It actually stands for 'Elderly Witches Wielding Wands.' Gran teaches her friends dueling techniques so they'll be prepared in case of a Death Eater attack. It's her way of helping the war effort without being too much in the thick of things."

"So did you fill her in about Potterwatch?"

"I had already told her about what happened with Luna, so she didn't miss anything anyway. Gran said she's been teaching you how to duel?"

"Yes. I haven't yet managed to get a spell through her shield, though."

"Me neither. Gran's been teaching me, too, or at least she was over the summer. I was planning to have her start up again. Maybe you and I should practice together, and she could teach both of us."

"Good idea. From now on, dueling here and drinking at my place."

Neville laughed, and Percy joined him.


Percy stood across the street staring. He could not believe what he was about to do, but he had been unable to think of anything else. He really wanted to get Christmas presents for Aunt Gussie and Neville, and this was what he had come up with. The longer he stood there, the more insane the plan seemed, so he decided to get on with it before he gave up.

With his wand, Percy drew a small diagram in the air, then conjured a needle and pricked his finger. He put a drop of blood onto the tip of his wand and waved it at the shop across the street saying, "Weasley Revelio!" One dot glowed at the back of Percy's diagram. Merlin. Only one of the twins was in. He had to go now.

Percy crossed the street to Weasley Wizard Wheezes. With his overcoat, hat, and sunglasses, he hoped no one would recognize him. He had done some research and knew the twins had protections against magical disguises, but hoped no one would notice a Muggle one.

Percy opened the door and hurried straight to the defense section. He felt the magic pass over him as he entered, but once again, it didn't do anything to him. There was hardly anything in the room! When he was here the previous summer, the defense room had been overflowing with products. Percy saw a sign on the wall.

Dear Customers,

We are replenishing our defensive line as quickly as we can, but quality merchandise takes time. If you are interested in purchasing any of the following items, please add your name to the waiting list and we will contact you when the item is ready. Thank you very much for your patience.


Fred and George Weasley

Percy glanced at the pages long waiting lists for shield hats, shield gloves, decoy detonators . . . Well, what did they have in stock? Percy looked around. There was one shield cloak on the rack, two pairs of shield socks, three shield scarves-silk, they were out of the wool ones, and several shield headbands for little girls. Percy decided to buy the lot. He gathered the items, cast Weasley Revelio again-whichever twin it was remained in the back room, and hurried to the cash register. He was outside again quickly. Mission accomplished! And as a bonus, he hadn't been seen by Fred or George.

When Percy arrived home to his flat he spread his purchases over his kitchen table in order to make his decisions in a systematic fashion. He would give the cloak to Neville, but it wasn't the standard style approved by Hogwarts, so he didn't want to get Neville in trouble. Someday, he'd have to talk to Fred and George about making shield items that could be used by Hogwarts students. He needed a new cloak anyway, and based on his daily dueling practice with Neville and Aunt Gussie, he needed all the help he could get. So socks for Neville-Percy figured any little bit would help against Snape and the Carrows, but he'd get Neville something else, too. He could ask him later.

The scarves were a very lucky find. One was red with vultures on it-perfect for Aunt Gussie. She didn't need help with shields or dueling, but it couldn't hurt. Percy didn't know if she followed the Vratsa Vultures or even liked Quidditch, but she liked vultures, so it didn't matter. The orange one with black polka dots for Neville's Aunt Enid, who would be coming for Christmas along with Uncle Algie-more socks. The orange and black reminded Percy of the Chudley Cannons. Percy snorted at the thought of Ron in that scarf. Ron loved all things Chudley Cannons, but would never wear that scarf. He hoped Ron would forgive him . . . No time to dwell when there were packages to wrap.

The other scarf didn't take Percy's mind off his troubles. It was blue with pink butterflies. It would be perfect for Audrey. She'd like it. Hopefully, there wouldn't be a need for shield clothing when he next saw Audrey, but he wrapped it anyway, so she would know he had been thinking about her at Christmas.

That left the variety of hair bands. Percy left those unwrapped. He planned to give them to Neville to distribute to Ginny and other members of the DA. He would have thought Fred and George would have completely outfitted Ginny, but they must not have. Ginny would certainly have shared with Luna, and the Death Eaters would not have caught Luna with the first stunner if she were wearing shield garments. Hopefully Neville would convince Ginny and other students to wear them.

With his wrapping finished, Percy began to clean and decorate his flat. Since he had been eating at Aunt Gussie's so frequently, and would be there for Christmas Eve, he invited Neville and Aunt Gussie for tea on Christmas Day. Percy thought after dinner and an afternoon at St. Mungo's they would need the new surroundings.


Audrey came back to Nanny and Uncle Ed's house, tired after her exam. Just one more and she'd be finished for the semester. She opened the door and heard voices. As she walked into the kitchen, she saw her mum and dad sitting at the table with Nanny and Uncle Ed.

"Mum? Dad? Hi! I didn't think you were coming until next week?" Audrey hugged both of her parents.

"Tickets were cheaper if we came this week rather than coming for Christmas," her dad explained.

"They called, but I was waiting until your exams were over to tell you. I must have the day wrong, since I thought you'd be here after exams . . ." Nanny puzzled.

"An earlier flight opened up which worked better for us," Audrey's mum said.

"Well, no problem. If we have Christmas early, we can celebrate twice." Audrey chuckled. "I do have to study for my exam tonight, though."

"We come all the way from England to see you, and you can't even take off one night to spend with your family?"

"Don't be like that, Susan! Audrey's exams are important!" Nanny said.

Audrey's mum sighed, "More important than her family apparently."

"Mum! I only have to study tonight, and my exam's in the morning . . ."

"I would think you could have studied in advance in order to spend time with your mother."

"I would have studied in advance if you had told me you were coming early!"

"Don't you raise your voice to me, young lady . . ."

"STOP!" Uncle Ed bellowed. "Audrey, go study. Your aunt and I will take your parents out to dinner."

"But . . ." Audrey's mum began to interrupt. Audrey waved to her dad and left the kitchen before her mum could change Uncle Ed's mind.

"No buts, Susan. You changed plans and didn't let Audrey know. That's not her fault. You'll have plenty of time with her after her exam."

"We'll eat dinner and then go to the Christmas party at Rocket City Dance Club. You both will enjoy that! We already knew Audrey would have to miss it because of her exam, but the four of us will have a great time," Nanny enthused.

"Sounds great!" Audrey's dad spoke up.

Audrey heard her mother huff all the way from her bedroom door. At least she couldn't hear her once she closed the door. Audrey leaned against her door and sighed. She did not need this on the night before her hardest exam.

Audrey couldn't concentrate so she straightened her room until she heard her parents, and Nanny and Uncle Ed leave. Then she returned to the kitchen, foraged around for leftovers, ate dinner, and then went back to her room to study.


After her exam, Audrey checked the messages on her cell phone to find out where she was meeting Nanny, Uncle Ed and her parents for lunch. It was rather ridiculous to have two cars at lunch and then at the mall, where she knew her mother wanted to go next, but her mother insisted it would take too long if Audrey went back to Nanny and Uncle Ed's first before going to lunch.

"Audrey, love, it's Nanny. We're going to eat downtown at The Jazz Factory. It's on the square, across from the courthouse. What was that? Ed says it's the North side. I know your exam doesn't end until noon, but we're going to get there at 11:30 to make sure we get a table. We'll just have an appetizer while we wait for you."

Audrey really didn't know how to get downtown, but she started on her way. Why were all of these streets one way? Audrey managed to find the courthouse, but then drove around it several times. She finally saw the restaurant, but couldn't find a parking place . . . at least she couldn't find a parking place that didn't require the ability to parallel park, and she was pants at it. She finally found a public parking lot a few streets away. Unfortunately, it had parking meters. Audrey dug around the bottom of her purse and only found a handful of pennies and a nickel. Audrey read the instructions on the parking meter. Twelve minutes for a nickel. That wasn't even enough to walk to the restaurant, get more change and get back. Audrey looked around on the floor of Nanny's car, and discovered a quarter under the passenger seat. Thirty cents would buy her just over an hour. She'd probably still need to come back with more change knowing how slowly her parents ate, but it would have to do.

Audrey walked into the restaurant and stared. It was decorated to look like a 1920's jazz club and was extremely dressy. Every person there was in a business suit or a dress. She felt uncomfortable in her jeans and sweatshirt. She looked around and saw Nanny standing and waving to her. Nanny had on slacks and a sweater like she usually wore, so at least she wasn't dressed up.

Audrey went to the table and greeted and hugged everyone. After she sat down and a waiter arrived to take her beverage order, her dad said, "How was the exam?"

"I think it went pretty well, thanks. Oh, I almost forgot. I need to go put more change in the parking meter."

"I'll go for you," Uncle Ed offered. "Where are you parked?"

"That way?" Audrey pointed vaguely. "In the public parking lot."

"I know the one. I'll be right back."

"Do you need change, Ed?" Nanny asked.

"I have some, thank you." Uncle Ed excused himself and left the table.

"Why did you park where you needed a meter if you didn't have the coins?" Audrey's mother asked her.

"I couldn't find anywhere else to park," Audrey shrugged.

"There would have been plenty of places on the street if you had come earlier like we did."

Audrey just kept quiet. She knew bringing up her exam wouldn't help anything. Thankfully, the waiter arrived just then with her beverage.

When the waiter had left, Nanny said, "We saved you one of each of the appetizers." She added in a whisper, "I cast a warming charm on them for you."

Audrey laughed, but her mother sighed and rolled her eyes. Audrey wasn't sure what the appetizers were exactly, but they tasted delicious. Thankfully figuring out what they wanted for lunch prevented conversation on other topics.


The meal was excellent, even if it was more expensive than Audrey, or even Nanny and Uncle Ed for that matter, would ever pay for lunch. Thankfully her parents treated all of them.

"Before you arrived today, Audrey, we all decided to go do some Christmas shopping together. I thought I could get you some new clothes for your gift."

"Sure, thanks, Mum. That would be nice."

"Good. Heaven knows you certainly need them." Audrey's mother looked up and down at Audrey with disapproval. Audrey managed not to respond since Nanny was giving her a sympathetic look behind her mother's back.

They arranged a meeting place at the mall, and Audrey drove there by herself. Being in a car with her mother was even worse than shopping with her mother, since Mum criticized everyone's driving constantly, yet never wanted to drive herself.

Audrey arrived at the mall and met up with her family without incident. Then she followed her mother to store after store, trying on what her mother thought she needed to wear and had to "model" for Nanny, Uncle Ed, and her dad at her mum's insistence. Her mother came into the dressing room with her, to Audrey's chagrin, commenting incessantly on the dinginess of her underwear, until buying Audrey all new knickers and bras. Audrey did not plan to get rid of her current underwear-she would just do laundry less often.

Uncle Ed escaped the shopping fiasco when he found a comfy chair in a shoe store and refused to move. Since they had bought shoes there, and the sales people were nice, they didn't mind. Audrey's mother insisted on buying her high heels, even though she had never worn heels, because "all young ladies need a classy pair of heels." Audrey's mother bought her several dresses for "interviews" even though Audrey would be wearing robes to interviews. She didn't own a dress, though, and could wear them to church, or maybe she and Percy would go to the theater, or somewhere else dressy in the Muggle world, and she might need a dress then. Her mother also bought her a sequined black dress that was shorter than anything Audrey had ever owned, but it looked really good on her and she liked the way it sparkled.

When it was nearing time for dinner, they went to collect Uncle Ed from the store and go home.

They found Uncle Ed and were heading to the parking lot when someone called, "Audrey?"

Audrey turned and saw a girl from several of her classes. They'd had coffee together a couple of times, and Audrey liked her, although she couldn't confide in her, unfortunately.

"Hi Sally B.! These are my parents who are in from London for a holiday, and my great-aunt and great-uncle, the Pevensies."

Everyone exchanged greetings all around.

"Audrey, that dress is gorgeous!" Sally B. gestured to the sequined dress Audrey carried in its clear plastic bag. "Are you going to wear it to the party on Friday night?"

"What party?" Audrey asked.

"Oh! You didn't hear? There are signs up all over campus. Ellie's brother, you know Ellie from our Sociology of Ethnicity and Race class? Anyway, her brother owns a club in Five Points, it just opened, and has decided to have a night for UAH students only! It's this Friday, and it's free! Well, there's no cover and no minimum, but everyone has to pay for their food and drinks. Ellie even passed out fliers to our class after the exam, but you'd already left. I think I have one here somewhere . . ." Sally B. began to dig through her oversized purse.

"I appreciate the invitation, but my parents are here and I'll be spending . . ."

"You should go have fun, Audrey," Her dad said. "Lucy said you never go out. We'll have the entire day together. Go out with your friends."

Audrey saw her mother glare at her father.

"It will be great Audrey! And that dress you're carrying will be absolutely perfect! We can go together!"

Audrey laughed. "Well Mum, you said there would be an occasion when I needed this dress, I guess you were right."

"It would be good for you to make some different friends . . ." Audrey's mother answered. "Go and have a good time."

Audrey almost changed her mind about going with the tone of her mother's voice on "different". Audrey knew her mum meant "Muggle", but Sally B. was so excited, and she did like Sally B. "When and where do you want to meet?"


They decided to celebrate Christmas with her parents that evening since they wouldn't be there on Christmas. Audrey already had her gifts from her parents-all the new clothes. She made her parents coordinating blue sweaters, since their favorite color was blue. She used the same yarn but her dad's was navy blue with light blue trim, and her mother's was light blue with navy blue flowers with light blue centers. Her dad's sweater, of course, did not have flowers. Audrey thought her dad liked his sweater since he put it on immediately, claiming to be cold. How he could be cold in Alabama she didn't know, but she appreciated the gesture nevertheless.

Her parents brought several types of tea that Nanny fancied and some English biscuits that were very difficult to find in the States. They brought a variety of French liqueurs for Uncle Ed which he could never get, since alcohol could not be shipped to Alabama for some strange reason Audrey had never understood.

They actually had a very nice dinner together after opening their gifts, and then spent the evening watching "White Christmas" and "Miracle on 34th Street" which were her mother's favorite Christmas movies.

Everyone slept in late the next morning and then woke up to Uncle Ed's sausage, biscuits, and gravy.

They decided for Audrey, her mother, and Nanny to go get their hair done together and get manicures and pedicures, so Audrey would be ready for her evening out. As they went their separate ways after breakfast to get ready, Audrey overheard Nanny making her mother wear the sweater she made. Audrey sighed. Maybe someday, she'd manage to do something that would make her mother approve of her.


Audrey, her mother, and Nanny actually had fun getting their hair and nails done together. Audrey didn't really get her hair cut, but had the split ends cut off and a conditioning treatment. Audrey's hair was piled on her head with cascading curls. She wished she could do something like that on her own. Her fingernails and toenails were painted bright red, while Nanny and Audrey's mother chose more muted colors.

They met Uncle Ed and her dad at the Botanical Gardens for lunch and wandered around for a bit. Nanny and Uncle Ed planned to bring Audrey's parents to the "Galaxy of Lights" while Audrey went to the party that evening. Audrey had already seen it several times at the "members' only" events.


When Audrey was ready to go to the party, she let her mother and Nanny take several pictures of her. With her toes and nails painted for the first time, and her hair looking this nice, and wearing a pretty new dress, she wanted to have the pictures for Percy when she saw him again. Actually she'd just recreate the look for Percy sometime, even if she had to search for somewhere to go, or just wear the dress in her living room and cook dinner for him.

Audrey had said good-bye to her parents and was at the door to leave when Nanny stopped her. "Here you go, Audrey." Nanny whispered, putting two vials into her hand. "Hangover potion, just in case. I don't want you Apparating or driving if you're tipsy. And if you need to, you can mix one with water and tell a Muggle friend that it's 'water with citrus' and the citrus will help the water to be absorbed to put off a hangover."

"Thank you, Nanny." Audrey hugged her.

"You're welcome, dear. Have a good time."


Audrey Apparated to an alley near the club that she had scouted earlier when she was out with her mother and Nanny. She walked out and saw Sally B. waiting at the entrance and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hi Audrey! Where did you come from? I've been watching."

"Oh, I missed the street and had a cab drop me off one street over, no big deal."

"OK, you look great, by the way."

"Thank you." Audrey was sure she was blushing. It was not often that anyone told her she looked great.

She and Sally B. went into the club, greeted many of their classmates, ordered several different appetizers to share, and bought drinks. They were able to find a table in the corner and try all the different foods, and listen to the music which Audrey found she enjoyed. The food was surprisingly good, too.

"Here he comes again," Sally B. whispered to Audrey.

"I think he's so drunk he doesn't remember he's tried this three times already," Audrey whispered back.

One of their male classmates leaned his arms on the back of the chair across from Audrey and said, "Wanna dansh, dahlin'?"

"No, thank you," Audrey replied primly.

"Aw come on!" He whined and grabbed Audrey's wrist as if he planned to pull her up from the table.

"Unhand me!" Audrey shrieked.

"Let go of her!" Sally B. said at the same time. Then Sally B. put her arm around Audrey and said, "She's mine!"

He dropped Audrey's wrist immediately and stared at Sally B., then at Audrey, and back at Sally B. again. "Do you think we could . . ." He waved his hand around vaguely in an approximation of a circle that encompassed the three of them.

"Absolutely not," Sally B. declared. "You aren't our type."

He left, defeated. Sally B. removed her arm from Audrey's shoulders, and Audrey collapsed with a fit of the giggles.

"I can't believe you just did that," Audrey chortled. "Thank you."

"No problem. He was annoying me, too."

"I think I feel a bit light-headed. I'll go get us a couple glasses of water." Audrey stood to leave the table.

"Good idea," Sally B. agreed.

Audrey did get two glasses of water from the bartender, and poured a vial of hangover potion into each one. She drank several gulps of hers and her head cleared immediately. She returned to the table and handed the other glass to Sally B. Audrey finished off her glass as Sally B. took her first gulp.

Sally B. looked at her strangely, so Audrey said, "I added some citrus. Nanny, my great aunt, says it helps the water to be absorbed better."

Sally B. was still giving Audrey a strange look and it was making her a bit uncomfortable. Then Sally B. said, "I was thinking it tasted like hangover potion diluted with water. The effects seem to be the same, too." Sally B. downed the rest of her glass. "Yeah, my head's cleared up nicely."

Audrey did not know what to say. She opened and closed her mouth several times but nothing came out.

Sally B. leaned close to her ear and whispered, "If you're wondering if I'm a witch, the answer is yes. I'm at UAH because I want to be a Muggle Studies professor. Why don't you come with me to my apartment, and we can talk."

Audrey could only nod.


When Sally B. and Audrey got outside the club, Sally B. took Audrey's arm and guided her to a nearby alley. "I'll side-along Apparate you, OK?"

Audrey nodded, and they Apparated, landing in the foyer of Sally B.'s apartment.

"Wow, I can't believe you're a witch! That's so cool! I thought I was the only witch around living as a Muggle," Sally B. beamed at Audrey. "That explains why you've been so quiet about what your boyfriend does for a living, and what you were doing before you came here. I thought you might just be the shy type, but you didn't seem to be, so I knew there had to be a story there. Obviously, I'm not the shy type. I never shut up."

Audrey laughed. "I really wanted to be able to talk to you, but I couldn't since I didn't know. It's been so hard for me here, since I haven't been able to confide in anybody or get close to anyone. I've never been a good liar, so I just have to keep at a distance from people."

"Well, have a seat, honey, and tell me all about it."

And Audrey did.

Chapter 11: Holidays

novel-length, neville/hannah, kingsley shacklebolt, 2013, augusta longbottom, percy weasley, percy/audrey, a year of worry and hope, neville longbottom

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