Title: "Yes"
Rating: PG
Length: 'Drabble' (88 words)
Pairings: Lucifer/Sam
Era: circa episode 5.22: "Swan Song"
Warnings: Could be considered spoilerish for 5.22
Note: Written for "Dear John" challenge on
spnland; prompt - 'Pen a love letter from one Supernatural character to another.'
I thought this part of me was evil, dark - a side that I needed to destroy and hide from everyone around me.
But you taught me the truth.
You accepted me just as I was; you loved and desired every single part of me.
You wanted all of me - the entire whole that made me exactly who I was - without any changes, without any sort of hiding.
And it was for that reason, I chose to accept you.
I chose to love you.
I chose to say, “Yes.”
Title: Just A Little Errand
Rating: G
Length: 'Drabble' (33 words)
Pairings: Nick/Sarah
Era: Not specified
Warnings: None
Note: Written for "Dear John" challenge on
spnland; prompt - 'Pen a love letter from one Supernatural character to another.'
Nick -
Don’t forget to pick up some milk on your way home today. We’re almost out. (We’re also running low on baby food for Jacob.)
Thanks, honey. Love you.
- Sarah
Title: MFEO
Rating: PG
Length: 'Drabble' (28 words)
Pairings: Lucifer/Sam
Era: Not specified
Warnings: None
Note: Written for "Dear John" challenge on
spnland; prompt - 'Pen a love letter from one Supernatural character to another.'
You were made for me, just as I was made for you. We have always been meant to be one, because you are mine, and I am yours.
Title: I'll Always Catch You
Rating: PG
Length: 'Drabble' (35 words)
Pairings: Michael/Lucifer
Era: Episode 5.22: "Swan Song"
Warnings: Kind of spoilerish for 5.22
Note: Written for "Dear John" challenge on
spnland; prompt - 'Pen a love letter from one Supernatural character to another.'
Note 2: Finalist!
I already let you fall once, and I couldn’t break my promise to you anymore. Not after so long, my brother.
So I had to catch you this time.
Just like I always will.
Title: No Regrets
Rating: PG
Length: 'Drabble' (31 words)
Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Era: Not specified
Warnings: None
Note: Written for "Dear John" challenge on
spnland; prompt - 'Pen a love letter from one Supernatural character to another.'
I chose to rebel for you. I chose to Fall for you. I chose to go against everything I had ever known and believed.
And I don’t regret my choices.
Title: Thank You
Rating: PG
Length: 'Drabble' (53 words)
Pairings: Nick/Dean (could really be Nick/Anyone-post-apocalypse)
Era: Post-episode 5.22: "Swan Song"
Warnings: AU; spoilerish for 5.22
Note:Written for "Dear John" challenge on
spnland; prompt - 'Pen a love letter from one Supernatural character to another.'
I didn’t think, after everything I had done, something like this would ever be possible again.
I didn’t believe, after everything, that I deserved another chance.
I didn’t feel that I was worthy of any sort of forgiveness or the slightest bit of love.
Thank you … for proving me wrong.