"That little bitch pees on my seats I'm drop kicking its little punk ass out the window."

Feb 10, 2008 20:40

dude. where is everybody?

(duo get your lazy butt in gear, i know you've got some good hp just WAITING.)


Title: Cliché for the Fangirl
Author: fatale
Series: Supernatural
Pairing: Er. Wincest, kind of? DUDE JUST READ IT.
Genre: HUMOR
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary: Dean was hardcore: he wore leather in the summer, sunglasses at night, and flossed with barbed wire.
Your thoughts?: I love my fandom. I really do. They're amazing writers, for the most part, and lord knows Kripke never really stops giving us material to work with.
There are some fic ideas that are just flat. out. bad. Not only that, but they keep popping up. O_o It's like, someone spawned this one little cliché, and then someone read it and thought, "hey, i could write that, but better!" and then it just went downhill from there.
Sooooo, Jet took a bunch of the answers from this poll (check that out too) and wrote them all into a fic. A glorious, glorious fic. That made me lawl and also die a little bit inside because I've actually read (at least summaries for) every single one of these plot points. Also I cracked up.

Title: Runt of the Litter
Author: graceandfire
Series: Supernatural
Pairing: None
Genre: More humor!
WIP?: Yes, but they're more or less little vaguely related drabbles.
Brief Summary:
Dean was staring at him with the same incredulous, what the fuck, look that had been on his face many, many times over the years when he had witnessed Sam doing, in Dean's own words, something particularly dumb ass.

"What?" Sam asked defensively, keeping his voice soft so as not to freak out the little guy.

"What?" Dean repeated incredulously. "Dude, you are petting an evil hound of hell."
Your thoughts?: How this manages to be so in character while still being totally ridiculous is beyond me. I don't even begin to get it. Plus, puppy!POV is just SO FREAKING CUTE you want to die, and I cannot wait for more in this 'verse.

apparently all that psych fic i tried reading just tired me out, because i'm focussing more and more on the humor these days :D oh well. it makes me lawl.


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