aaaand it's bedtime

Jan 28, 2008 20:53

I have got to come up with a better method of archiving crossovers.
anyone willing to do a link check? :D

Seriously. I was just gonna post it, but then i felt almost guilty O.o

Title: Exeunt the Flesh Mob
Author: JY Yang
Series: Supernatural
Pairing (if any): None
Genre: humor, crack!fic
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary:
It isn’t a knight riding on a white horse. Not even close. It’s just two guys, dressed like any other two guys, except that they pretty much instantly catch Tamlyn’s attention, because a) they’re not dressed like zombies, not even trying, b) they’re walking determinedly against the flow of the crowd giving everyone a closeup glance-over, and c) they’re really kind of cute.
Correction: no, they’re really kind of drop-dead gorgeous.
Funny the things you notice when you’re undead, eh?
Your thoughts?: DUDE. This is freaking zombie pov. How could it possibly get any better? This is actually my favorite fic of all time (at the moment, anyway, because I am a fickle creature) and I'm rereading it as we speak (yet again). It totally creates zombie sympathy and I love it so hard. <3333

Title: Kiss me, Son of God
Author: Bella Temple
Series: Supernatural
Pairing: smidgens of Dean/Bela
Genre: Humor, crack!fic
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary: Sam switches shampoo and suddenly everyone around him is treating him like royalty. These two things may or may not be related. . . .
Your thoughts?: Not only does this fic take its title from a They Might Be Giants song, it's fucking hilarious. Plus, just the right amount of brotherly angst to really make the whole thing come together. I could have done without the alternate ending, though.
People may be whinging about Bela and Ruby, but if used correctly, I really think they've got some potential. Hm.

Title: Saving People, Hunting Things. (It’s not just for Winchesters.)
Author: cold_poet
Series: Supernatural/Harry Potter
Pairing: H/D
Genre: Healthy mix of brood and humor
WIP?: One-shot, complete
Brief Summary: A is for Auror.
Your thoughts?: Oh man, I giggled. Fuck or die!
“Harry, I simply do not understand why that old man told us to take a gander out into an empty field. What possible use is a waterfowl in this situation? People are dying!”
“Well he didn’t say we had too, he just said we were more than welcome to. Maybe some ancient tradition? Sacrifice to some old wizard playing God?”
“Do you think we should?”
“Might not hurt.”

Title: Cellmates
Author: nevcolleil
Series: Prison Break/Supernatural
Pairing: ...none? ish?
WIP?: Chaptered, INCOMPLETE T__T
Brief Summary: Lawman comes down from the gallows for Sam and Dean. And sticks them in Fox River.
Your thoughts?: Okay, so, luckily this is first season prison break (which is all I've ever seen) and if you want an incredibly basic summary go here. Characterizations are spot on and I cannot wait to see more Michael/Sammy interaction :D

Title: Outside by the Blue, Blue Moon
Author: vaingirl
Series: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Everyone Ever, Sam/Jess, Sam/Dean
Genre: ANGST
WIP?: Chaptered, complete
Brief Summary: Sam makes a sacrifice to save his family.
Your thoughts?: I really, really was of two minds about reccing this. On the one hand, it's well written and terribly heartbreaking, but on the other hand it's (as warned) noncon and underage, which I generally don't like all that much. Something about it just kept bugging me though, so I ended up posting it.
It is, as I said, extremely well written, and Dean's confusion (btw, read the side stories, that's what I saw first and what initially drew me into the arc) is touching and distressing. It takes him so damn long to figure it out. It's almost, almost a PWP, but it's got enough plot that I don't classify it as such.


you will love the first one (and the third one, for that matter). READ IT :D

harry potter, supernatural, crossover, prison break

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