Just a couple of recs

Jul 30, 2010 04:30

Author: 11tee
Fandom: Doctor Who
Community: lightyearsahead
Prompt: You just found an android's head. Still activated and still speaking, at that. It would really like to be attached to its body again. Help it out.
Link: http://11tee.livejournal.com/589.html
Notes: This writer always has a great way of dragging you into a story and moving you along. She has an amazing knack with dialog, too, which is really important when playing a Doctor.

Author: forever_noble
Fandom: Doctor Who
Community: oncoming_storms
Prompt: Write a story in no more than 140 characters.
Link: http://forever-noble.livejournal.com/13390.html
Notes: Her Donna is always amazing, but this is probably the best mini-fic I've read in a long time. You can imagine the entire backstory that went with it without having to read it.
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