TGIF + Rec a Muse

Jul 30, 2010 12:25

Author: Mike: shaman_x
Fandom: X-men / X-men 2
Community: theatrical_muse
Prompt: "Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home"
Notes: Creepy utopian future is a go!

Author: Nathan Wallace: livingoutalie
Fandom: Repo! The Genetic Opera
Community: theatrical_muse
Prompt: "Interruption"
Notes: Warning: Graphic character death and (I guess?) spoilers for the later part of the movie. Gzuh, oh the pain.

Author: Uther Pendragon: weightofacrown
Fandom: Merlin
Community: theatrical_muse
Prompt: "Are you well organized?"
Notes: Warning: Spoilers for Merlin season 3 (as I am not caught up with season 1 fully, I'm taking the writer's word for it!)

Rec a muse!
(Wow, Kiki actually doing a special...)

Muse: Pogue Parry (lieutenantwitch)
Fandom: The Covenant
Why I recommend this muse: The Covenant is, truth be told, a rather crappy young-adult horror wannabe movie with rather pleasing visuals. (Okay, take your minds out of the gutter. ... or don't. It has both varieties.) But somehow, the film featured a few characters who are very good for writing, playing with, and reading.
This Pogue takes all the elements that are in the canon - the power, the position of second-in-command, the loyalty, the fiery-ness, the way the character bonds the group together, the conflicts, and the beauty, and turns them into coherent, lovely reading and interaction.

Prompt responses I recommend from this muse (sort of arranged by time, except they are not necessarily in the same 'verse/timeline):
Link: Boys of Summer
Prompt: N/A
Notes: Warning: Sexual content. This is quite possibly my most re-read fanfic. Pre-canon, Pogue/Reid.

Link: Hurt.
Prompt: libraryofwinds: Threat
Notes: 'Deleted scene', i.e. Chase and Pogue after the Ducati was totalled. Warning: Violence

Link: How things are...
Prompt: libraryofwinds: Kiss
Notes: One golden moment of being together before it falls apart. Pogue and Kate.

Link: Coming to terms.
Prompt: libraryofwinds: Want
Notes: There are things one has always felt, and yet they are completely different when the come to be admitted. And it is a growing process.

Link: Counting down the seconds...
Prompt: libraryofwinds: Where
Notes: Pogue's ascension.

Link: All for one...
Prompt: lover100: Sanctuary
Notes: Pogue finally faces down Caleb about things that need to be talked about. Even though it hurts. Warning: some violence.

Link: Vision of the future.
Prompt: justprompts: Wedding rings
Notes: Pogue/Caleb, happy future.

Link: Scared
Prompt: libraryofwinds: Worry
Notes: Pogue and Caleb, unhappy future

special week: rec a muse

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