
Sep 13, 2010 21:58

Title: Dreams
Author: hazel_eyes_86 and digitaldesigner
Word Count: 1050
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Boom
Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Summary: Sometimes dreams do come true.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Andrew Marlowe. Otherwise, they're ours.
Author's Note: Written for castleland's Write with Me challenge.

"And you've been running flat-out for days. You need to go home and get some rest," Captain Montgomery insisted, staring down his detective, neither willing to budge.

"Sir, I don't have a home," Beckett returned, just barely managing to keep her voice from cracking with emotion.

Castle, who'd been quietly observing the interplay, disagreed softly. "Yes," he said looking at her. "Yes, you do." Beckett just stared at him for a moment, not saying anything. He walked to her and gently took her hand. When she didn't pull away like he expected, whether from surprise or something else, he continued. "It's a secure building with people who care about you." He stole a glance at the captain, who nodded in agreement, before slipping out the door and quietly closing it behind him, trying to give the two a moment alone.

"Castle," she started, but he pressed a finger to her lips, silencing whatever protest she was about to make.

"Beckett, you will always have a home with me, with Mother and Alexis. You fit into our lives." Her eyes searched his, surprise written across her pretty features. "So this," he told her, slipping the spare key off his keyring, "is yours."

"Oh, Castle," she whispered, clearly touched. "Thank you."

He smiled softly. "You don't have anything to thank me for."

Her hand squeezed his. "Yes, I do. You saved my life."

"Well, you know, I needed my muse," he told her, a twinkle in his eye. She laughed softly, but got serious once again a moment later.

Gathering her courage, she whispered the words she'd been wanting to say to him for months. "I love you. You brought something into my life I didn't know I was missing, something I didn't know I wanted. Needed."

For his part, Castle thought his heart would burst from happiness. "I love you, too," he told her, tenderly stroking her cheek before lowering his mouth to hers in a sweet kiss.


Kate stood at the window, watching as the snow gently fell and marveled at the change in her life in just a short time. That day had been just the beginning of a change that led her to the life she'd always dreamed of. Up to that point, she'd lived alone and dreamt of having a family of her own. Then she met Richard Castle and fell head over heels in love. Last year, they married in the fall and then had Emily six months ago.

She glanced over her shoulder at the sleeping child in her bassinet, smiling tenderly. She couldn't imagine her life without any of them now. Rick, Emily, Alexis or Martha. Though she didn't give birth to her, she would never think of Alexis as anything but hers. When Emily was born, Alexis'd taken to calling her Mom. She didn't know who cried harder when she'd first uttered the word, her or Rick. Martha was so different from how her own mother had been, but she was exactly what she needed in her life. When she'd found out she was pregnant with Emily, Martha had been the one to calm her fears. Emily was their little angel, the apple of all their eyes. She laughed quietly. She didn't know who spoiled her more, her daddy or her grandma. Then there was RIck, the love of her life, a man that had annoyed the hell out of her when she'd first met him. How times changed.

She smiled as two arms slid gently around her waist. She leaned back into the loving embrace of her husband, watching as the snow continued to fall, neither speaking for a long time.

"How hard would I have to work to convince you to take a snow day tomorrow?" he whispered jokingly against her temple.

"If all of this isn't melted by the morning it'll still be barely an inch of snow, Rick. Not exactly the best justification."

He shook his head in mock-sadness. "One of these days, Kate, I'm going to teach you to slack off."

"Right... and maybe you'll also convince Alexis to stay out past curfew."

"Don't kill all of my dreams at once." He glanced at Emily's sleeping form. "Em better grow up to break a few rules, or I'm going to be even more outnumbered.

Turning in his arms she gave him her best 'mother look', which she'd developed sometime between being partnered with Ryan and Esposito and when Emily was born. "Can you at least wait until she's learned to walk before you try and corrupt our adorable, innocent daughter?"

"Absolutely not. Once they learn to walk it increases their chances of getting away." He grinned widely as she smothered a chuckle. "So, what woke you up? I didn't hear her crying."

"She wasn't... I just needed... Sometimes I have a hard time believing it's all real, you know? Watching Em sleep..."

He nodded in understanding.

"I'm not always convinced it's not a dream, though."

"Until she starts wailing for breakfast and you realize there's no way your brain could make that sound up?"


Rick studied her silently for a moment. "And this has nothing to do with the case you were working on?"

Eyes slipping shut, Kate shook her head; he always could read her better than anyone, and he'd only refined that skill over the years. "A woman's body was found in her bathtub when firefighters put out the blaze. Turns out her ex had been stalking her and didn't like that she got a new boyfriend."

"And you thought of Dunn."

"If you hadn't -- One second longer and -- " she shook her head, not wanting to say the words, which was just as well because he wasn't sure he could stand hearing them. "I got so lucky."

Rick took his wife's chin in his hand and tipped her head up, capturing her lips in a reassuring, loving kiss. "We both did."

Emily shifted in her bed, drawing the attention of her parents to her, but she didn't wake up. Taking Kate's hand, Rick led her out of the room. "Come on, there's a few hours before you have to be at work, let me prove to you this isn't a dream.

Some things are worth being tired the next morning for.

fandom: castle, author: aimee, type: stand-alone, rating: pg

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