
Sep 30, 2011 03:09

Title: Autumn
Author: digitaldesigner
Beta: hazel_eyes_86
Word Count: 274
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Nothing specific.
Pairing: Will/JJ (implied)
Summary: JJ loved autumn.
Disclaimer: If you recognize them, they belong to Jeff Davis. Otherwise, they're mine.
Author's Note: Written for crimeland's big bang.

JJ loved autumn. She loved the colors when the leaves changed. She loved the temperature as they went from August to September. She even thought the world smelled different, like it was getting ready for something new.

When she'd been a little girl, it had been her favorite time of year. Jumping in a big pile of leaves was one of her favorite activities. Some of her favorite memories were of her and her sister racing to see who could jump the furthest. When they went back inside, their mother always had a cup of apple cider for them to drink.

As she rubbed her pregnant stomach, she only hoped she could pass on her love of the season to the child she carried. She hoped she could make some special memories with him that he would cherish in the years to come, memories that he could pass on to his own children someday.

She went inside and poured herself a cup of apple cider before sitting down. She reached for the photo album that was sitting on the bookshelf. Opening the first page, she smiled at two little blonde-haired girls, arms wrapped around each other. She took a sip of her drink as her mind took her back to that perfect autumn day. She hadn't had a care in the world except for the fun she was having. Oh, to be that carefree again.

She closed the album and made her way up the stairs. As she slipped into bed, she said a silent prayer, asking God to protect her baby, his daddy and the rest of her family at the BAU.

author: aimee, fandom: criminal minds, type: drabble, rating: pg

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