Wish I Was ThereFandom: Angel
Characters: Fred-Illyria/Wes
Prompt: #053 Mail
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: There's a letter in the mail the day after she "dies" and Illyria takes over her body.
Notes: Written for
ficlets100. 18/7/09.
There's a letter in the mail the day after she "dies" and Illyria takes over her body. It's a joke one that she informed him she would send, with a ridiculous message scrawled in the loopy handwriting of hers he has come to love.
"Bet you wish I was there!"
In context of the other day, it is funny. Now it is just an added dread placed upon his shoulders, a reminder of what he has lost.
He folds the page over and with tears filling his eyes he lets it fall to the desk to lie motionless. “Oh Fred.”