Fic: Broken Now; Falling and Plummeting (River)

Feb 06, 2013 20:22

Title: Broken Now
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: River
Prompt: #100 Writer’s Choice
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: She was not normal, not now and not ever again.
Notes: Written for ficlets100 on 20/12/11.

Many unsuccessful hours of trying to act normal had resulted in a crashing realisation: she was not normal, not now and not ever again. Maybe she had once been but those days were long gone.

Of course even then she had been smarter than most people around. She was gifted, well beyond her years, and she was different from most in that she actually tapped into that potential.

She wanted to be her best and so her best is what she was.

Now, she is not at her best. They tried to make her better. They failed.

She’s broken now.

Title: Falling and Plummeting
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: River
Prompt: #034 Contact
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: The effects of gravity.
Notes: Written for ficlets100. 6/08/09.

On contact, the surface of the ball reacts and the ball rebounds, bouncing high, high, higher into the air. Gravity slows it and soon it’s falling once more, plummeting, and then rebounding again. It doesn’t bounce quite as high the next time, or the next, but it doesn’t give up trying until it’s out of energy.

River scrambles across the floor to retrieve the ball. She palms it in her right hand and lets her fingers stretch outwards to reveal it. Her eyes study it like they’ve never seen anything so colourful. She memorizes its surfaces. Things make perfect sense.


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