Mar 19, 2007 01:28
It’s half past one a.m., and once again, another weekend ends and I have accomplished nothing.
Good thing I didn’t set out to accomplish anything; otherwise, I’d be a failure.
Never mind.
We tried straightening my hair yesterday. It’s not long enough for there to be any difference.
Mr. James is proving to be more of a challenge than I expected. He’s gotten away with the bait from all our traps. After the first night, we realized that we had set the traps incorrectly. But since then, we’ve been careful to make sure they’re all set up properly.
Mr. James somehow was still able to get the chocolate without getting his skull crushed.
Our fingers, on the other hand (no pun intended) have been getting their fair share of abuse.
If the traps don’t prove to be successful soon, I think I’ll try more drastic measures.
Something along the lines of a bucket of kerosene and a lighter. I’ll go out in a blaze of glory and take that vermin with me.
I watched episodes of teenage mutant ninja turtles a few nights back. It made me feel extremely depressed. Than again, what doesn’t?
I could remember being 7 years old, getting out all my action figures; the turtles, the blimp, the glider, parachute, etc. Than I would stick a tmnt pizza in the microwave. After 2 minutes, it would be ready. Just in time for the new episode. I'd sit in front of the TV with all my toys and the pizza, and let myself go for 30 minutes. This routine would be repeated every Friday after school.
Just thinking back on that makes me feel old, when I realize that it’s been almost 20 years.
20 years. I feel old.
A camp 80’s cartoon makes me feel old.
Now I’m sitting alone in the dark listening to kitsch 80’s pop, moping, sulking, call it what you will.
Should I even bother getting out of bed tomorrow?