Fandom: Supernatural
xxamlaxx Title:
A Godly Thing to Say (and sequels)
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Genre: Crack
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 25,303
Warning: Blasphemy
Author's summary: Dean gets the weirdest potential father-in-law talking to in history when God notices just what he's getting up to with one of his angels.
After a bad week where I managed to get my phone stolen (you never realise how much you depend on a smartphone until you don't have it anymore - or how much crap you have on it), I needed something to cheer me up. This week's review, therefore, is of a crack story. Which is not the easiest thing to review, but I'll try my best.
The first thing about crackfic is that it is not badly written fic. I've seen many fics where the author claim it to be crack but where it's really just badly written fic. And badly written fic is badly written fic or, if done on purpose, bad!fic. It still doesn't make it crack.
”A Godly thing to say” and sequels are crack. Delightful crack. A word of warning though. If you do not like blasphemy, stay away from this fic. In fact, you probably shouldn't even read the rest of this review. If, on the other hand, you have a sense of humor and would like a few good laughs ”A Godly thing to say” is a good place to start.
The story starts off with God noticing Dean doing unmentionable things to His son Castiel which won't do at all. God therefore commands Dean to marry Castiel and, more importantly, start procreating as He wants grandchildren. The story goes on to include a shotgun wedding between Sam and Jesus, several assbabies, as Dean so eloquently puts it, with improbable names and a Christmas spent with the inlaws. ”A Godly thing to say” is as absurd as you would expect from crack, and contains numerous funny episodes. Both Sam, Dean and Castiel are kept as much in character as you can expect and the best parts are watching them react to the ridiculous events unfolding around them.
The story contains several sequels: ”Of All Things Dared To Do (And Jesus Was Never One of Them) ”, ”The Weirdest Damn Family in the Whole Friggin' World” and ”How the Winchesters Saved Christmas, sort of, okay, not really”, which focus more and more heavily on the children of the Winchester households. Unfortunately the story also suffers under this as it moves away from the crack to become a bit more like a story about a bunch of MarySues who can do no wrong. Especially the last installment feels sluggish, a bit preachy and tries too hard to pull the laughs out of a situation that you could find in your average boring sitcom. Particularly the blow-by-blow account of a Christmas nativity play performed by three OC's brings the story to a halt and I miss some more interaction with Sam, Dean and Castiel in this part.
But all-in-all, I found several great laughs in these fics and can heartily recommend them if you need some cheering up. The first two parts of the story deserve four slashes, but because of the deterioration of the latter parts it ends on a three.
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