Title: Timing
Author: Teddog (That would be me)
Fandom: Star Trek, Mirror Universe
Pairing: Scott/Jenna
Rating: PG? You don't see anything...
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Notes: Trade fic for
Prompt: Critical Malfunction
The interiors of the Ci Bach were rather unremarkable for a rebel spacecraft; many had the appearance of being built out of scrap parts because that was their true lineage. It wasn't high on the priorities of the Empire to hand out ship building materials to the rebellion, unless someone had some debts that needed to be repaid in a hurry.
Jenna Richmond could relate where most of the replacement parts originally came from. She helped install most of them herself. Really, it was officially Scott's work to make sure that everything was installed and ran correctly mostly, but they tended to split all of their tasks evenly.
The young woman casually relaxed outside of the engine room, glancing at the floor for a moment as she straightened out her ponytail. It was a tiny bit mussed, simply a side effect of working under such conditions.
The sound of footsteps heading up the corridor caused Jenna's gaze to flicker up.
Tabitha stood in the hallway; she was an older woman, kind despite the everyday hardships the crew of the the Ci Bash faced. A look of concern was on her face. Given that Tabitha was the ship's medic, it caused Jenna some alarm.
Jenna straightened up. “Is everything okay?”
“You didn't hear it?” Tabitha asked, looking over the hallway walls.
“Hear what?” Jenna froze, holding her breath for the moment. “We didn't hear anything out of the ordinary. Business as usual.”
Tabitha blinked. “So, that banging noise...”
“Oh!” Jenna sighed and brushed it off. “Oh, that was just Scott and I handling some quick repairs that had to be taken care of right away. Nothing exciting. How are the kids doing? I think it's about time I go up to check on them.” She wandered up the corridor, offering a smile to Tabitha as the medic followed close behind.
An accented voice called out from behind the engine room equipment. Little did the owner of the voice know that there was no one outside to respond.
“Jenna.... Jenna! Have you seen my pants?”