I had a dream about Tenten O__O

Dec 29, 2010 08:48

last night
Tenten made a cameo appearance in my dream XD

he was in a car chase
and by that, I mean he was chased by the cops...

for noise complaints XD XD XD

there were even helicopters (so flashy)

I was there too, and I got to have a (very irrelevant) fangirly "I love you Tenten!" moment \(^^)/

and for some reason
Laurence Fishburne (the guy who plays Morpheus in The Matrix) was there too, but he was kind of the traitor O___O

some intermission ^^;
I have no life... but how often does a cool person appear in your dream anyway?

this is even weirder than my other recent dreams about Paris Hilton trying to smuggle exotic dinosaurs and Zill being able to speak flawless English XD XD XD

back to translating, lol

visual kei, rants, zill, dreams, てんてん

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