Title: Refuse
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Characters: Squall (POV), Seifer
Rating: PG for brief potty language
Disclaimers: May contain spoilers for Final Fantasy VIII, which Square owns, and not me
Request for
fic based on A Perfect Circle's "Passive" by
I refuse to believe it. Seifer had been executed.
Quistis looks like she’s going to vomit. Rinoa’s crying. Zell is cursing his head off, fighting back tears himself. Even Selphie, who barely knew the guy, is crying.
It’s not right. Seifer and I, we were always fighting, always sparring, always pushing each other to our physical and mental limits. But he was always there.
I feel robbed. Of what exactly I’m not sure-of a final fight? Of a rival? Of my equal?
I hated the guy. Wait, maybe hate is too strong of a word. He annoyed the shit out of me, but it shouldn’t have ended like this.
I refuse to accept this.
"Squall?" I hear Quistis say.
"I refuse to accept this!!!" I storm the hell out of the room. I refuse to accept this.