Title: Reconcilations
Fandom: Sanctuary
Author: karrenia
Characters: James Watson on John Druitt
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 377
iRecipient: for fanaticalone's previously filled multifandom 'reconciliations request.
Request Details:
<"here"> Day 4 of the June Challenge (Mods: if posssible, a tag for Sanctuary; please.)
Disclaimer: Sanctuary and the characters of James Watson, John Druitt and all others who appear here or are mentioned belong to their respective creators and producers airing on the SCI Fi Channel; they are not mine.
"Reconciliations" by Karen
Funny how approaching death makes you do things that you originally would not have dreamt of doing while you still your health and good sense about you," thought James Watson.
I who have held death at bay like a hunter out in Safari in the deepest heart of the African continent, have so long staved off death first by ordinary means, than via the miracles of modern medicine and science, and much like the poets will tell you I shall not go gently into that good night; but no one can stave off death for much longer.
The man standing at my side, forced to work together as we had in the past several centuries knows a thing or two about cheating death. John Druitt was the one the original Five and as much as may despise for what he did in London a century or so ago I can still remain cordial enemies even until the end. It has even become, shall we say, something of a game of wits among us. I admire John Druitt for his wits and cool, some might even
calculated confidence, his elegant and often piercing charm Underneath that smooth veneer lurks a sinister side; even a dangerous side.
The Five: Dr. Helen Magnus, John Druitt, Nikola Tesla and I, Dr. James Watson were unstoppable. We were among the best and the brightest even though as was bound to happen, we drifted apart. It happens, even to the best of friends and colleagues.
Do I hate him? No. Do I despise what he has done in the past, and perhaps do I hate for him for what he has done in the present. The answer to that one is not as clear-cut as perhaps I would like it to be. However, now, faced with a common threat that if the Cabal
succeeds will endanger not only normal humans but as Dr. Magnus insists on referring to us, abnormals as will, perhaps I can forgive if not forget John Druitt. It has taken me a long time to arrive at this well, what else to call it, reconciliation and it has not been easy.
But if I should not live to see the success of our current mission knowing that they will succeed and carry on the fight; I shall be content.