Some Wishes Come True - Lost - Scott/Steve

Feb 15, 2009 19:54

Title: Some Wishes Come True
Pairing: Scott/Steve
Word Count: 462
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle.
Summary: Scott and Steve's last night before the crash.

Scott rests his fingers against the cold pane of glass. Even from the window of the hotel room, the city is amazing. This country is amazing. The weather and the people and the accents… And yet here they are, ready to go back home. The nerves have already started to gather in the pity of his belly.

From behind, Steve's arms wrap around his torso. His bare skin is warm and welcoming - already the troubles of the real world seem a little further away.

Steve's lips brush gently against the back of his neck. "Don't worry about it," he says - he knows what Scott is thinking without having to ask. Same wavelength. There are times when Scott wonders if they're even different people any more. "It's going to be fine."

And he could laugh, hearing that. So dumb. So naïve. Scott's head dips forward, resting his forehead against the glass of the window, cool and wet with condensation.

"We should stay here. Screw the flight."

This holiday had seemed like a blessing when he'd first won it. A chance to escape and let the air clear back home. Coming out had been the hardest thing he'd done in his life - but after meeting Steve, he'd known it had to be done.

His left hand finds Steve's, resting on his belly, and holds on tightly.

"C'mon. You and me, living here… Sun, sand, beaches. It'd be fun."

"You can't hide forever."

Why not? Scott wants to whine. It's not as if anybody will really notice or care if he doesn't return. He remembers all too well the shock in his family's eyes.

Steve's right hand strokes his stomach and he kisses the back of Scott's ear. "Come back to bed," Steve whispers, soft and soothing and terribly tempting. "We're going home tomorrow. I'm going be there and it's going to be fine. Trust me. Okay?"

He could argue some more with ease. These weeks in Australia have been the best of his life: he doesn't need to hide who he is here.

But he turns in Steven's arms, surrendering - he presses his glass-chilled forehead against his boyfriend's warm one and closes his eyes. "We'll be fine," he says. It sounds like a question.

"Just fine," Steve confirms.

He pulls Scott towards the bed, one shuffling footstep at a time. They tumble to the mattress together, a tangled lump of limbs and love. Scott's lips brush over Steve's mouth and he thinks maybe he can lose himself in this, that maybe he can hide in Steve's arms if he can't hide in this country.

He closes his eyes and they kiss, drinking in the memories of their holiday together, and Scott can't help but desperately wish that he didn't have to return home tomorrow.

character:scott jackson, character:steve jenkins, challenge:lost fic battle, pairing:scott/steve, fandom:lost

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