So It Is Written - Lost - Kate/Sayid

Feb 15, 2009 19:52

Title: So It Is Written
Pairing: Kate/Sayid
Word Count: 157
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle.
Summary: Fate does not care for romance.

Fate is an impassive mistress.

It cares not for emotion and knows nothing of love. It is bigger than that - it is far beyond the romances of individuals. It deals in war. It deals in science. It deals in the sacrifices that history will remember.

We have to go back.

So it does not care for them, their limbs entangled and their breaths mingling. Sayid's hands on Kate's skin does not concern it, nor the desperate clash of their tongues or the thrust of his hips against hers. What they do tonight is not of consequence; where they seek the strength they need does not matter.


Tomorrow is the turning point. The ship will sail and the island will greet it and the world will be saved. Sayid will stand at Kate's side and they will be the pillars of strength that they need to be.

And Fate…

Perhaps this once she shall smile upon them.

character:sayid jarrah, pairing:kate/sayid, challenge:lost fic battle, fandom:lost, character:kate austen

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