Title: Here For You
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Characters: Leonard Hofstadter and Penny
Prompt: #28 - Anti-Hero
Word Count: 249
Rating: PG
Summary: Penny comes home after working overtime at the restaurant
prompt table and disclaimer “Penny?” Leonard asked, knocking on the door of his girlfriend’s apartment before opening the door and walking in. He frowned in concern when he saw her laying on her couch, a wet towel across her forehead. “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”
She shook her head. “I meant to call while I was on my break at work but we got slammed, I barely had enough time to eat a sandwich. There were a ton of call offs and they asked me to stay. I know we were supposed to go out tonight, but I needed the money and…”
He shook his head, sitting down on the couch and propping her feet on his lap. “So we’ll just stay here,” he told her, rubbing her feet softly.
“Honey, I’m exhausted. I don’t really wanna do anything.”
He shrugged. “So we’ll just watch TV.”
She smiled slightly as he picked the remote up, turning on SyFy. “How did I know?” she mumbled.
“Is there something else you’d rather watch?”
“The Notebook’s gonna be on in a few minutes.”
He sighed, changing the channel again.
“You really want to spend your Saturday night watching a Nicholas Sparks movie while you give me a foot massage?”
“As opposed to what? Watching Battlestar Galactica while I give Sheldon a foot massage?”
She pulled her feet quickly out of his lap. “Have you ever given Sheldon a foot massage?”
He let out a quick breath, looking at the television. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”