Title: Caregiver
Fandom: The Unusuals
Characters: Jason Walsh and Casey Shraeger
Prompt: #44 - Sensitivity
Word Count: 214
Rating: PG
Summary: Jason gets hurt and Casey tries to take care of him
prompt table and disclaimer “Let me see it,” Casey said, carefully pulling Jason’s hand away from his face. “Ew. Ok, put it back.”
He laughed and put the ice pack against his nose. “You can watch people get their heads blown off, but God forbid I get a bloody nose.”
“That’s different,” she told him, awkwardly dabbing a small cut on his temple with a damp cloth. “I don’t need to clean up after them.”
He took her hand, holding it against his leg with his free hand. “I’m a big boy, Case. You technically don’t need to clean up after me.”
“I know. But you won’t go to the hospital and I think you need stitches.” She looked at the cut on the side of his head again.
“Is it still bleeding?”
“Then I don’t need stitches,” he concluded. She gave him a look and he sighed. “Relax. I’ll be fine.”
He kissed the side of her head quickly then stood to put the ice pack back in the freezer.
“Ok, but I think you should go to the eye doctors at least,” she called after him.
“What do my eyes have to do with it?”
She shrugged. “Well, you did walk into a wall. Twice.”
“Yeah, the guys at work don’t need to know that.”