Sep 25, 2009 23:13
Hi, I'm new here. I'm 32yo, female, disabled, fibro started in 2006. Pain and muscle tightness/spasm in neck, shoulders and jaw are my issues. I've tried lots of meds, many of them several times (have chronic headache as well), but nothing that's come out recently because they're not covered by ins. Also not covered but helpful is massage therapy, the only thing that keeps me mobile.
I'm working on getting free or discounted meds. Pfizer is on my shit list cause they keep sending back my Lyrica application. bastards. I'm a veteran form-filler-outer after getting disability,etc, and did it all right!
In addition to applications my hobbies include knitting, sewing (when neck allows), quilting, jogging (not recently), reading, wasting time online and I wish I could just be outside more. I love hanging out with friends but have lost touch with almost all of them...again.
Sorry for the rant. I've been flaring and the jaw pain is new, thus harder to ignore. Nice to find the group :)