Dec 21, 2007 18:04
Yup peoples, the first stack has happened!
Rode into work today and Gardiners Creek had flooded in a number of places, it's apparently designed to do this as it flash floods. Lots of debris around but all was ok until I got to the Toorak Rd underpass. This goes down very steeply, along the creek for 100m or so then up very steeply. The general plan of action is to pissbolt over the top so you've got enough speed up to not have to pedal all the way up the hill.
So I'm cruising along minding my own business come over the top and go FARK!!!! From half way down the hill there's about 3 inches deep of MUD all the way to the bottom of the hill. Somewhere my brain recognises that there's going to be limited 'steerability' in there and puts the brakes on whilst also acknowledging I've buckleys chance of actually stopping. Hit the mud with brakes on, over the handlebars I go at a reasonable speed and pretty much body surf the mud to the bottom of the hill. Classy. I'm COVERED in mud from head to toe. Bike seat is at an interesting angle that's not going to be anatomically comfortable and the chain is half off.
Someone coming towards me stops and is kinda waiting to see if I move I guess. I get up and announced that it was a bit slippery in that bit. Poor guy, musta thought I was a total lunatic.
Fixed the seat, fixed the bike, rang a friend who wanted to know if I was wearing a white t-shirt and continued on my way.
Nothing hurt badly (as in no requirement for a paramedic) but LOTS of sore, sore, sore spots! To add insult to injury I then had to ride from Nth Melb to Flinders St station in the PISSING rain (at least it wasn't cold I guess). Fortunatley it had eased off to nothing whilst I rode up the Toorak Rd Hill Of Death.
Now I think I'm going to find some good drugs, junk food and wine and undo all the good work :) .