June 7 through June 13

Jun 15, 2006 21:32

Quidditch resumed with excited fervour and the usual somewhat fantastical rumours about the players. This wonderful news was quickly followed by the results of the first round of matches.

Such things can't help but inspire economic activity, and advertisements regarding an enormous sale at
Quality Quidditch Supplies was almost a necessity, all things considered.

This was not the only sign of normality, though, as fliers appeared to announce the grand opening of Trésor Littéraire were also distributed about, so the more bookish segments of our society were not left unappreciated!

Peace was effectively disturbed with first rumour of Bellatrix Lestrange's possible 'release' from the hospital, printed in the Daily Prophet. Said peace was then utterly shattered altogether the next day, when a
Special Edition confirmed the fact that Bellatrix was, indeed, declared 'cured' of her insanity, and therefore free amongst the public at large.

Though, the Ministry assures its populace that they are quite safe, for she is, indeed, on the Registry. I'm sure everyone feels a great deal of peace knowing that.

Current list of all character journals. Please make sure you have 'friended' all your fellow characters.

Administration run characters: McGonagall, Fenrir Greyback, Minister of Magic, Daily Prophet, Annoucements, various NPC characters such as Lupin's NPC werewolf pack members, shopkeepers, etc. fi_admin

Charlotte Aurelius beautesolitaire
Terry Boot terry_schtiwl
Millicent Bulstrode-Morsus millicentmorsus
Deirdre Burke deirdre_ivy
Juneau Connors sightlesswolf
Peregrin Derrick inner_human
Seamus Finnigan safinnigan
Hermione Granger thelastgranger
Daphne Greengrass nowillbutthis
Aurin Helm golden_armor
Bellatrix Lestrange deatheater_____
Neville Longbottom forevernev
Luna Lovegood bluemoon_loon
Remus Lupin m4moony
Draco Malfoy suicide_blonde_
Lucius Malfoy sinister_blonde
Narcissa Malfoy mrsmalfoy6
Montague Morsus morsus_et_mors
Theodore Nott nott_naught
Padma Patil prophecyofpadma
Parvati Patil flowerpatil
Pansy Parkinson freakedwithjet
Harry Potter broken_harry
Stella Sinistra prof_stargazer
Clive Smales c_smales
Severus Snape subtle_simmer
Nymphadora Tonks nymphadorauror
Lisa Turpin argento_turpin
Myron Wagtail diva_myron
Arthur Weasley muggle_fan
Charlie Weasley charlie_weasel
Fleur Delacour-Weasley elegante_fleur
Fred and George Weasley redheadedjokers
Ginny Weasley ginny_afire
Molly Weasley weasleymama
Ron Weasley sixthweasleyson
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