Boundless. (Basch, Fran) G

Sep 04, 2010 19:24


The monotony of the landscape around them stretched on forever. It seemed endless and the horizon was an eternity away. They had crossed fields of harsh grass, climbed hills that became mountains under their feet and waded through streams that had spanned from horizon to horizon.

Only Fran seemed untouched by exhaustion and pain, her sparkling eyes scanning the fields for monsters when no other was able to lift their eyes from the ground. She often asked him about the fields, if they looked like the Emerald Fields of Landis. He told her of the woods and the villages, of the mountains and the lakes. He even spoke of the Emerald Fields.

“Here the sky is wide.” She smiled, hidden thoughts swirling in the red of her irises. “Were you a child beneath such a sky?”

“Aye.” He breathed, leaning against the wall of a mountain’s rock.

“Never did I see the sky until I grew.” She shook her head, smile still playing on her lips. “It is beautiful.”

“Some think of the Sky as a Goddess.” He mumbled, enjoying the rare moment of stillness.

“Like Viera the Wood?”

“The Sky is ruthless.” The wind was blessedly soft, cooling and soothing his skin. “She rules as She will, listens to no prayer and brings doom or hope whenever She pleases.”

“The Sky is free.” Fran turned her eyes to the heavens. “Freedom herself has to be free.”

[r: g], [c: fran], (canon: original game) set two, [c: basch]

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