Title: Golden Lotus 2
superkalifragi and
chephren Summary: Sequel to Golden Lotus... A year has passed since the fateful night in the tower in which many lives were changed. Now the Golden Lotus is in trouble. Will Yazoo go back and resume his position as former top whore to help his friends?
Rating: M, most definitely!
Warning: This fic is extremely AU. We have thrown our favorite bishis into the situation to see what will happen, but had great fun doing so, and we hope you enjoy!
Golden Lotus 2, Chapter 8 List of charas we met in
Golden Lotus:
Yazoo, Rufus, Tseng, Genesis, Sephiroth, Loz, Kadaj, Reno, Rude, Yuffie, Cloud, Angeal, Vincent Valentine, Barret Wallace, Zack Fair, Tifa, Hollander
And there will be more as we go along! Hope you enjoy! XD