Possibly my last post in Rome

Jul 15, 2008 20:57

I realized I never rarely put my own original work up here, and...while I'm still not terribly inclined to do so, I randomly had the desire to post a few poems exercises up.

Cherubs float, waiting on the day when
the dim light of Heaven will grow stronger,
when the orange cast will lighten to
gentle white.

Man and woman stand in darkness
night waiting at their backs.
His face fades into the black as her
face glows.

Baby lies on bed covered by roses and
brilliance, looking up for his mother
and to the Heavens. So why does this baby
shine brightest?

"Untitled as of yet"
Out in a field of green
a child acrobat can be seen.
Caught in the act, he is still,
pursed lips unable to spill
laughter from bloated cheeks.

*Through stained glass window enter
a house of haunts and flower.
Walking the halls is like a garden hike,
You feel tense, like facing a snake ready to strike.
Now for the answers you seek.

Down the hall painted like glades
a child's cry crescendoes and fades.
Unhappy music for this garden,
no one here to grant the pardon,
and silence the shrieks.

Girl trapped within a door
painting, clothed like the poor.
Her gaze is up, in astonishment
as though asking to repent
before getting caught by the freak.

As you turn to leave, you wonder,
what makes the floor behind you creak.

*The second stanza needs some really heavy editing. I just don't like how it is. Then again, I'm also thinking about changing it into a prose/fiction piece, so...yeah. Revision is expected.

"Also Untitled"
One moment, he has completion of a family.
A father, a mother, a history, an inheritance.

One moment, he feels pride.
Strength in arms, control of the chariot, over those winged horses.

One moment, chaos.
Horses wild, chariot careening, home burning.

One moment.
Angry red lightning flashed.
In a breath, before thunder rumbles, nothing is different.
Except it is.

For the "Also Untitled," does anyone know to what event I'm referencing? Does it help if I inform you of its basis in Greek/Roman mythology? For the record, it's Phaeton taking Helios' chariot.

Temperatures here in Rome actually got a little cooler--and it rained on Sunday!!! Well, okay, it sprinkled, but still. Wetness fell from the sky! ^.^ I was so indescribably happy.

And gelato milkshakes are crazy-awesome good. *mourns the emptiness of her cup*

EUReKA Season 2 came out today in the States (and Canada). And...I'm here in Rome. *flails madly*

Wednesday our sub-cohort groups (like cohort groups but cut in half) are presenting a scene or two of Shakespeare's plays. Aaaannnndd....my cohort group got Coriolanus Act 2. Which is the most boring selection offered in the hat. It is nothing but dialogue. Maybe a little walking. And gesticulating. But just dialoguing. *headdesk* So our group is reduced to relying on humorous costumes, accents, and genderbending. The act is all men except one woman, and our group is all women except one man, soooo...Yeah. I'm sure you see what the end result was (the one man was the one woman in the play).

On the bright side, since I finished my 2nd talk on Monday and recited Ode to a Grecian Urn, I have nothing to do! I'm just on an easy coast through til Friday. I can simply enjoy the city. *cheers*

Allison: Nothing like a little Vince-spresso to start the day off, huh?
Jack: I'm waiting...
Allison: For what?
Jack: Aw, come on - you're a woman, making small talk, buying me coffee, which means either A) you're into me, or B) you want something. --EUReKA, Alienated

original poetry, rome

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