Mar 16, 2006 23:23
My car still sucks ass. It's leaking something and make an aweful high pitch noise. It's overheating again, which I fix with more coolant (for now.) I think I should just get a new car! I wish I could, but I'm way too poor to afford the paymemt on one. But I think I may have a plan in place. I'm going to be able to pay off my Penney's card with my next payment, as long as I don't splurge too much on cds and other crap, but then again, I should be getting some gift cards to Best Buy for my birthday, so that should be nice!
Speaking of my birthday, it's in like 5 days and 1/2 hour. I can't wait. I'll finally be able to go out with my friends and not just wait at home for them. I think I'm going out to eat with Oscar Wednesday night then going out the bars with Amber and who ever else wants to come. I'm not sure what else I'm going to do that week. I have Monday the 20th through Tuesday the 28th off. I want to go out of town somewhere, but I don't know where, and I really don't have the money. I'm just glad to be on vacation!
I start my new schedule On Wednesday the 29th. Working 2-midnight wed-sat. I finally have a day off during the weekend! Yay!!! I'll actually be able to spend time with Amber! And I can go out on Saturday nights! AND I'll have Easter off! I'm so happy!
The past few days have been good for me, I got to spend some time with Amber and Oscar, even some time with them together! I'm so happy they're starting to get along better. It makes me VERY happy! :)
The next few weeks should be awesome. I need to get off here and get out of work!
See ya's!