Mar 02, 2006 22:45
I could eat this whole bag all by myself... So good!!!
So... I went and saw Curious George with Oscar last night. It was a good movie, but I'm sure I would have enjoyed a little better if my mom hadn't given me bad news right after Oscar bought the tickets.
I was calling her to tell her to watch the news because I was driving to the movies on 4-71 and was in a fucking high speed car chase. They had all the exits blocked off after we got on the high way, then I saw the lights. The minute I noticed the lights behind me, there was the car speeding past me.
Anywho, that really has nothing to do with the bad news I received from my mom. My great grandma Vera died yesterday. No warning what so ever. She was old, and I guess it was kind of expected, but I had just seen her out and about not even 4 months ago. It's just so weird. I still don't think I've come to terms with it yet, but I'm sure I will once I see her tiny body in that big coffin.
When my great grandma LaBerta went, we at least had some warning. She had been in the office for quite some time, we were kind of waiting for her to go the last week she was in there. And now I just have one great grandparent left. It's just so odd, makes me think. It just gets worse and worse with age. First the great grandparents, then the grandparents, then your own parents. I could even imagine my grandparents going.
I don't deal with death too well, and don't think anyone does when it's someone you love. I just wish it was easier. It should be easier. Everybody has to deal with it. I don't see why the human emotions aren't set up to handle death better. Everyone dies, that's a fact. It's the memories that they leave behind that makes it hard.
On a better note, I took the day off work with berevmemt leave. Spent the day with Oscar, went out to eat with J and M then hung out at the pet store with cute little critters. Then headed to the mall. I got some awesome black heals, a good book to read at work, and a birthday card for a certain someone. After the mall, we want back to Oscars house and watched Earl and just cuddled on the couch. Now I'm back home, so Oscar can get some sleep for work, since he has to be there at 6am.
Amber was fucking hoe-larious last night! I love that lady! I have Sunday off, and hopefully, we'll get to hangout all day! I'm looking forward to it!
I'm out. And don't forget... don't eat too many babies, they'll give you a tummy ache.