Obligitory Pre-Con Progress Post ~ AC Cloud Strife

Jun 16, 2010 01:28

Basically 1 day left to work on stuff. I'm a bit over-stimulated from a steroid pack meant to help get me over my sinus crap, so what do I do at 1 am? Work on cosplay and bitch at my machine when it dun do what I wants it too.

But, but, but! I have Cloud Progress!  X-Posted to a few places. XD

Shirt: The Sleeve was held on by pins, but it was soon sewn together. I HATE how big it is, but what can do you when it's all together and you're a few days from con? Not much. If I can get my hands on the material again, Imma make a new one, 'cept a SMALL this time.

PANTSU! The pants began life as a pair of TRIPP pants from Hot Topic. Me and mah Reno took a pair of bolt cutters to them to remove all chains and unnessicary D-Rings. I then took a pair of pliers to em and removed all the grommets. Of course, if anyone has a trick to remove Pyramid Studs, I'm alll ears. I also took a seam ripper to them to remove all unwanted accents. The pyramid studs need another coat of acrylic and possibly some sealer before they hit the con. They've also had new D-Rings and webbing sewn to the bottom to get the "pulled-up" aspect of Cloud's pants.

Tomorrow we tackle the battle-skirt, pauldron, and straps! More Photos to come!

cloud strife

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