Title: Miss Right
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Pairing: Quistis/Xu
Prompt: Genre - Romance
Rating: PG-13 (for language; no smexiness)
Words: 400
Spoilers: Uhm, not unless you never got past the field exam.
Author's Note: Yeah... nothing really to add. Pretty self-explanatory. Sorry if it's not the best - hand wrote it at work last night and am hammering
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Comments 4
xD Between you and sissyhiyah, you're both doing a great job in making me fall in love with Quistis/Xu.
Heck, it IS real. I had that conversation. Especially the last sentence. Almost WORD FOR WORD.
Hang in there, Xu. She'll figure it out.
I want to HUG you for writing this!
It's just... damn it! It's so perfect!
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