Title: Miss Right
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Pairing: Quistis/Xu
Prompt: Genre - Romance
Rating: PG-13 (for language; no smexiness)
Words: 400
Spoilers: Uhm, not unless you never got past the field exam.
Author's Note: Yeah... nothing really to add. Pretty self-explanatory. Sorry if it's not the best - hand wrote it at work last night and am hammering it out on my new ghetto computer set-up (hey, at least it works now!) before I return to the daily grind.
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Xu already knew how Quistis's demotion was upsetting her, and quite frankly thought it was a bad idea to go whine about it to someone like "Lone Wolf Leonhart." But she wasn't the boss of Quistis, and she couldn't control the way the poor woman chased after assholes.
So, Xu decided the only thing she could do was be there for her friend, even if said friend did not return the full extent of her feelings.
She waited in her dormitory all night until, just as she had been expecting, a frantic knock sounded on the door around 1 am. However, when Xu opened the door, she was surprised to see Quistis in civilian clothing that was dirty and torn. At first, Xu thought this meant Quistis had been successful in seducing him - or perhaps Leonhart had come on too strong and - but he wouldn't dare! Not after what Xu did to that touchy-feely Trepie last semester.
Quistis, apparently having sensed Xu's train of thought, quickly explained how she and Squall had rescued a strange woman in the Training Area. Then, seeing as how Xu was no longer homicidal, she closed the door, flopped on the couch, and launched into a very long and detailed rant.
"...He wasn't even listening! That motherfucker never would have passed his field exam if I hadn't been there to argue his case. And he had the audacity to tell me to 'talk to a wall?!'"
And so Quistis continued uninterrupted, while Xu very maturely fought the urge to blurt out, "I told you so," until Quistis suddenly paused to glance at the table.
How she had not noticed before was anyone's guess, but now that it had her attention, Quistis's eyes flew along the surface, drinking in the arrangement Xu had lain out for her. There were rice crisps, fresh strawberries, blocks of cheese, a tall deck of cards, and two bottles of her favorite Winhill wine. How did Xu acquire it? she wondered, because it was nearly impossible to find in Balamb.
Releasing tears she didn't know she had been holding back, Quistis remarked, "Oh, Xu! You're so... romantic! If only I had the common sense to fall in love with someone like you."
Xu smiled and drew Quistis into an embrace. The blond sobbed violently, and Xu calmly rubbed her shoulders, trying hard not to enjoy it too much.